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1 Check the front and back of all pages.
Cheeks’ Chatter Feb. 4-8, 2018 Learning Focuses This Week Spelling Words Homework ( Mon. , Tues. & Thurs.) going around try tries baby babies push pushes pull pulls **Word Family –ound Ex: around, mounded, flounder, hound, ground, sounds, found, pounding TEST - FRIDAY Theme: Famous Americans – Inventors, Scientists, and Pioneers – Explore how the ideas and hard work of ordinary people can make the world better. Writing: Continue informational (or ”teaching”) books. Reading Skills: Main Idea strategies. Review word endings –-ing, –ed, –s, -es, -ies as endings. Add these endings to various root words. Reading Strategy: Recognize word endings in text and find the root word to help with decoding. Read Aloud: Little House in the Big Woods Math Skills: Use a variety of strategies to subtract from 10 and from teen numbers. * Math Review * Reading Comprehension * Study/write spelling words nightly * Read your Reading Folder book Check the front and back of all pages. Reminders Class Valentine Party Information was sent home this past week regarding our upcoming Valentine’s Day party. Please take note of donations needed and let us know if you are not able to provide the requested item. Our class list will be sent home the week of the party, but if you would like a copy of the list early to get a head start, then please let me know. Also, remember to send in your child’s Valentine bag or box so that they can receive goodies from their friends. Fun February Idea! Starting February 1st until Valentine’s Day, put a new heart on your child’s bedroom door each day with a reason why you love them! Watch their self-esteem blossom! Important Dates Feb. 14th – Valentine’s Day party- 11:00-12:00 All parents are invited to attend. Feb. 18th – President’s Day Holiday Feb. 20th – Spring Portaits Mar. 1st – Read Across America Day Teacher Tips for Success Kindness Matters! In our Crossing Corrals, we are learning about kindness this month. This would be a great opportunity to reinforce using kind words at home and talking with your children about kind acts that others have done for you. Kindness is a trait that must be practiced, especially when we don’t feel very kind. Developing a “muscle memory” for how to be kind is important, since polite behavior affects a child’s overall well-being and success in life. You are kind to others You’re a hard worker You are always honest

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