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Presentation on theme: "TECHNIQUES OF DICTATORSHIP"— Presentation transcript:

How do they gain and maintain power?

2 Dictatorships Some nations/leaders completely reject the principles of liberalism – they are not illiberal, as they do not claim to support liberal ideas , rather they openly oppose the principles of liberal governments “The majority represents not only ignorance but cowardice … The majority can never replace the man” - Adolf Hitler

3 Dictatorships Under what conditions do they develop and thrive?
A nation that is unstable Civil strife Natural disaster External threat Culture of fear A nation that lacks decisive, honest, fair government A nation without liberal traditions An uneducated, uniformed population Types of dictatorships Military Civilian Theocratic TOTALITARIAN A 20th century phenomenon

4 How do they gain power? Violent means
“coup-d’etat” Manipulating existing democratic structures Hereditary transfer of power

5 How do they maintain power?
Great Man Theory Why not let those with extraordinary abilities lead? Charisma Who is able to transfix the public – make you feel as if they are talking directly to, and caring personally for you? Nationalism Who can rescue our great nation and restore it to its place of honor?

6 Great Man Theory Go to
Go to /ea_nkorea_06_16.html Go to kim.birthday.reut/

7 Charisma What did Albert Speer say about his first encounter with Adolf Hitler? Read from Inside the Third Reich, pages

8 Techniques of Dictatorship
Terror and Intimidation Use of secret police, spying Control of the Media Censorship Propaganda Go to

9 Techniques of Dictatorship
Limits on Dissent Silence any opposition Punishment and Reward

10 Techniques of Dictatorship
Controlled Participation Give the appearance of the people having a voice or role Indoctrination Education, brainwashing Go back to cademic/cas/gpa/

11 Techniques of Dictatorship
Directing popular discontent Scapegoating Go to


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