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Presentation on theme: "Starter: PAIR PASSWORD"— Presentation transcript:

Instructions Work in pairs/threes One person sits with their back to the board, the other person/people sit facing the board Those facing the board have to describe each of the words presented WITHOUT using the word itself The person with their back to the board scores one mark for each word/phrase they correctly guess Note down any words/terms you have difficulty with.

2 Round One Operationalisation Primary data Participant observation
Validity Standard deviation Meta-analysis Inter-rater reliability Round One Event Sampling Scattergram Interviews Quasi-experiment Peer Review Likert scale Significance level Positively skewed distribution

3 Round Two Open review Probability Social desirability bias
Participant observation Publication bias Questionnaire Interviewer bias Round Two Time sampling Effect size Nominal data Range Co-variables Corelation co-efficient Reliability Secondary data

4 Revision: Test Your Knowledge
Complete the multiple-choice questions on ethics and sampling.

5 Check Your Answers A False D C 11. A 12. C 13. True 14. C 15. B
Highlight/note any incorrect answers. Use this information to help plan your revision.

6 Key Words Economy Implications

7 The Implications of Psychological Research for the Economy
The production, distribution and consumption of goods and services. Economy: Implications: The effect that an action or decision can have on something else. Psychological research has many practical applications. How do these benefit (or devalue) the economy?

8 The aim is to ‘nudge’ people into making small, achievable changes.
The Behavioural Insights Team or ‘Nudge Unit’ was formed to apply psychology to government policies. The aim is to ‘nudge’ people into making small, achievable changes.

9 Which would people act on? Why?
Hyperlink both in title and orange box Which would people act on? Why?

10 Can you think of any of your own examples?
For this topic you need to know examples of research that have implications for the economy. Task: Read the example of research that you have been allocated. Briefly summarise the research on a whiteboard. Identify the practical application it has/could have. Explain how this would influence the economy. Can you think of any of your own examples?

11 AO3 Paternalism: Restricting people’s freedom to make them act in their own best interests. Why do you think the Nudge Unit has been described as ‘paternalistic’? What are the pros and cons of using psychology to tackle ‘problem’ behaviour?

12 TASK: Exam Practice Page 3-4
Plan and complete the 6-mark question on implications of research for the economy – use examples that would benefit the economy. Using the material on page 4, write a PEE(L) evaluation paragraph for the topic. Feel free to work together. Page 3-4

13 POINT Make your evaluation point EVIDENCE Support it with psychological research or an example EXPLAIN Explain what this shows. LINK Link back to the point/question. Critics have raised concerns about the use of psychology to benefit the economy. PEEL For example, it has been suggested that the Behavioural Insight Team’s attempts to ‘nudge’ people into changing their behaviour is at best paternalistic and at worst social control. It could therefore be argued that such applications of research risk compromising the professional values of psychology. On the other hand, it has been argued that the practice of psychology is inevitably political and ethical. This means that psychologists need to think carefully and critically about the wider implications of their research.

14 Plenary Questions Bronze questions Silver questions Gold questions
Describe how psychology can benefit the economy. Using a specific example of research, explain how psychology can benefit the economy. Evaluate the implications of psychological research for the economy.

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