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We are learning to write an to offer advice

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Presentation on theme: "We are learning to write an to offer advice"— Presentation transcript:

1 We are learning to write an email to offer advice
We are learning to use transition words




5 Read the email and correct the mistakes.
Hi Tom, How r u doin? I”m good. I’ve been at scool all the day and im tyred I hav just finish my assesment in Maths and it was realy dificult I cant wate to leeve scool how is scool for you are u enjoying it? have u sat eny exams yet I am found the exams reelly tough. i am hoping to have gone to Uni after summer but it dpends on my grades if i do well i think i’ll get in but if I don’t do so great then i’’ll have to go to college first and inprove my grades! What are you done for summer? I will have gone to Australia for my holiday I am really excited bcause I’ve never been yet and want to see sydney and melbourne. I have went to india last holiday which was really good but super hot i saw the taj mahal and visited the city of varanasi. I hope all is well with your family and you enjoy your last year of school I know I am! We must catch up soon, Joe

6 Quizlet



9 Answer comprehension questions on paper.
What type of text is this? Label the text features and say why each is important.

10 You are a Maths Teacher at SIS
You are a Maths Teacher at SIS. You have received the following from a parent. You need to write an back to her with some advice.

11 Subject: English progress concerns
Dear Mr Jones, Thank you for your about your concerns about John’s progress in English. I would like to offer the following suggestions for ways you can support him at home: Firstly, you could read with him aloud each night as well as asking him questions about what he has read. Also, you could get him to complete English past paper questions and ask him to join an after school reading club. In addition, you could use Read Theory. I hope the above suggestions help John with his English. Please contact me if you require further information. Kind regards, Ms Smith WHAT TRANSITIONS WORDS CAN YOU SEE?

12 on the other hand finally initially whereas simultaneously next
Also In addition Firstly Thank you for your . I am writing to… Can I suggest the following? Perhaps you might like to try Initially, you could

13 IXL L5 E1 identifying adjectives

14 Read Theory

15 Homework Write a friendly to tell the manager of Park n Shop about your recent enjoyable visit to their store. I particularly enjoyed… I was impressed with… I liked… I want to praise…. Use the layout planner to help you. Try to write 200 words.

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