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Click to listen to the story!

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Presentation on theme: "Click to listen to the story!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Click to listen to the story!
Pearl and Wagner Click to listen to the story!

2 The genre of this story is animal fantasy.
This story is animal fantasy because… The animals talk and create inventions in the story AND animals cannot do those things in real life.

3 What is the moral of the story Pearl and Wagner?
Moral: Think about talking to the author of the story when you think about the moral. What would the author say is the lesson of the story? That is the moral of the story. What is the moral of the story Pearl and Wagner? The moral is that friendship is more important than winning.

4 Theme: The theme is like the main idea of the story, but can be told using just one word.
So if the main idea of Pearl and Wagner is … This story was all about two kids realizing that friendship is more important that winning when they were trying to win and invention contest at school, The theme of the story would simply be… Friendship!!!

5 i_e Long i Words Just i igh Long i Words
The phonics pattern of the week is the long i sound. This week, we are studying how long i can be made with i_e ( i + consonant + e), ie, just i, igh, or just y (at the end of a syllable.) i_e Long i Words Just i igh Long i Words while wild spider blind find child bright right flight high

6 More Long-i Words… Y-Ending Long i Words ie Long i words fly cry sky
pie cried

7 Dictionary Skills… Use your dictionary to look up any of our vocabulary words of the week!
*construct *contraption *daydream *scrap *foolproof *project *sidekick *unique

8 High Frequency Words… Practice reading these “popcorn words” every day
High Frequency Words… Practice reading these “popcorn words” every day. These words will often “pop up” in regular reading! cried child while high find

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