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Presentation on theme: "Confucianism."— Presentation transcript:

1 Confucianism

2 Founder, Origin & History
Confucius Circa BC China

3 Confucianism Adherents: 5 million

4 God(s) & Universe none

5 Human Situation & Life’s Purpose
Purpose of life is to fulfill one’s role in society with propriety, honor and loyalty Five Relationships Subject to Ruler Son to Father Younger Brother to Elder Brother Wife to Husband Friend to Friend

6 Afterlife Not addressed

7 Practices Honesty Politeness Humaneness
Perform correct role in society Loyalty to family and nation

8 Texts Analects

9 Taoism

10 Founder, Origin & History
Lao-Tzu Circa 550 BC China

11 Adherents Worldwide 20 million

12 Yin-yang – opposites make up a unity
God(s) & Universe Pantheism – The Tao pervades all Yin-yang – opposites make up a unity

13 Human Situation & Life’s Purpose
Inner harmony, peace and longevity Achieved by living in accordance with the Tao (Way)

14 Afterlife Revert back to state of non-being
Simply the other side of being

15 Practices General attitude of detachment and non-struggle
“go with the flow” of the Tao Tai chi Acupuncture

16 Texts Dao De Ching Chuang-Tzu

17 Animism

18 Indigenous religion of pre-historic peoples from all over the world
Founder, Origins & History Indigenous religion of pre-historic peoples from all over the world

19 Adherents Worldwide unknown

20 God(s) & Universe Multitude of gods and goddesses

21 Human Situation and Life Purposes
The basis for animism is acknowledgment that there is a spiritual realm which humans share the universe with. The concepts that humans possess souls and that souls have life apart from human bodies before and after death are central to animism, along with the ideas that animals, plants, and celestial bodies have spirits.

22 Afterlife None addressed

23 Practices gods often are immortalized by mythology explaining the creation of fire, wind, water, man, animals, and other natural earthly things. Although specific beliefs of animism vary widely, similarities between the characteristics of gods and goddesses and rituals practiced by animistic societies exist.

24 Texts none

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