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Summer Disco Friday 29th June 2018 Entry £2.50

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1 Summer Disco Friday 29th June 2018 Entry £2.50
KS1 (inc. F1): – 6.30pm KS2: – 7.45pm Entry £2.50 (includes squash and packet of crisps) Glow products available to buy for all years. KS2 only - Hotdogs (£1) and other refreshments for sale FAST TRACK ENTRY To make it a fun night for everyone and ensure your child gets in quickly to start enjoying the disco please purchase your Fast Track Entry Ticket in advance from the office. Please take correct money or make cheques payable to Friends of Ducklington School. Limited tickets will be available on the door. Childs name………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………... Class…………………………..…………………… Amount enclosed ……………………..………………... Emergency contact name and number …………………………………..………………………………………………………..

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