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Welcome to Kindergarten at Adolphus Elementary

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Kindergarten at Adolphus Elementary"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Kindergarten at Adolphus Elementary
“Happy Camper”

2 Meet the Instructional Leadership Team
Principal: Stacy Boarman Assistant Principal: Channon Almendarez Counselor: Staci Davis GT: Saundra Pletka Dyslexia Specialist: Darcelle Binion Reading Facilitator: Paulette Cousins Math Facilitator: Rashana McDaniel ESL Coach: Leslie Norra

3 STUDENT TAGS Leave on backpack please
STUDENT TAGS Leave on backpack please! Name & How the Student Goes Home Expedites Breakfast Replacements $3

4 Attendance and Tardy Policy Adolphus Elementary

5 Students go to class at 7:20 am
Students have the opportunity to unpack their backpack, get prepared for the day, and write down their homework. Allows them time to get focused for the day and be ready to begin learning.

6 Absences from School If your child is absent from Adolphus, please send a note within ten school days to the teacher about the absence. Be sure to include: the first and last name of your child, date, grade level, teachers name and reason your child was absent. A doctor’s note is always preferred.

7 Excused or Unexcused Absences?
When your child is absent it will be listed on their report card as an unexcused absence until they reach 7 absences. The Attendance Review Committee will then invite you in for a meeting so you may discuss the absences with them. After the meeting, the committee will decide if the absences are excused or unexcused. Exception—Doctor’s notes and parent notes are considered an excused absence.

8 Tardy Policy 1st Tardy- Warning​ 2nd Tardy- Lunch Bunch​
School opens at 7:00, so come early and be ready to learn! 1st Tardy- Warning​ 2nd Tardy- Lunch Bunch​ Student sits quietly and eats lunch​ 3rd Tardy- Recess​ Teacher choice recess activity​ 4th Tardy- Administrator contacts parent​ 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th Tardy- Discipline referral entered into Skyward​ 9th Tardy-Attendance Review Committee meeting for parents​ Students who are considered for perfect attendance may only have 1 tardy.​ ***The tardy count starts at zero each 9 week grading period.***

9 Transportation Changes
Best practice is to send a written note to the school with your child. Please do not the teacher regarding the change since they are teaching during the day. Transportation Change Note If you need to make a last minute change, call the front office prior to 2:00 PM – Please do not the teacher; they are busy teaching students.

10 Medications All medication must be kept in nurse’s clinic—this includes cough drops All medication must be in original container—if prescription, must have label with student’s name and information on it All medication must be accompanied by appropriate paperwork—medication papers may be found on Adolphus website under nurse’s note, or picked up from nurse (Nurse Kozak is also very willing to you a copy for your convivence) Over the counter, short term medications, such as cough drops or antibiotics also need appropriate paperwork, which can also be found on website under nurse’s notes and is called “Parental Permit to Administer Medication At School For 6 Weeks Or Less” –if unable to print this copy , you may send a dated note listing student’s name, name of medication, reason for giving, time/frequency and duration that it is to be given—parent signature is also needed If your child has a life threatening allergy or asthma, please get with Nurse Kozak to discuss and provide appropriate paperwork and medication on campus for those “in case” moments for your child’s safety. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the nurse at or at

11 Peanut Free Classrooms
Classrooms are to be peanut free. A child with serious peanut allergy can potentially suffer a reaction merely by touching or smelling a food with peanut or peanut butter Please do not send any peanuts, peanut butter or foods containing these items as snacks. They will not be allowed to be eaten in the classroom Any food sent to share in classroom i.e. birthday cupcakes, cookies etc, is to be store bought, in original container with ingredient list that is peanut free The above does not apply to lunches, children will still be able to eat food of their choice in lunch room as we have ensured areas that will remain peanut free zones. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. We are trying to ensure the safety of all of our children. We are striving to promote a safe environment for all of our students, and in working together we can work to keep our students safe.

12 Adolphus Elementary PTO
How you can help your school Parents & Teachers working together = successful students. “We make a LIVING by what we GET, but we make a LIFE by what we GIVE. “ -Winston Churchill

13 Adolphus Elementary PTO
Get Involved!! Join PTO Your donation supports school Stay informed with monthly newsletter and meetings Connect with other parents Volunteer Many opportunities available to help at school and at home **you don’t have to be a member to volunteer and get involved Every Bit Helps!! PTO Funds Support: Field Trips for ALL students Books (Classrooms and Library) Technology & Support Playground Equipment Teacher/Staff Training Classroom Resources Specials Resources And so much more! Fundraising Goal Fundraising Goal: Educational materials for teachers to use in their classrooms with the students here at Adolphus. Direct parents to the website for more information and contact information for questions.


15 A little about me…

16 Arrival: The school day begins at 7:20 and students arriving after 7:30 will be issued a tardy.
*If your child is tardy, you must walk them into the front office and sign them in for the school day.

17 Birthday celebrations
Cookies are preferred and please send treats that are identical and easy to pass out. We cannot pass out treat bags and party invitations. **Treats need to be dropped off at the front office by 2pm.

18 Conference Time: Our daily conference time is 10:35-11:25 Parent Conference Days will be Nov 1st-2nd
*sign up available through sign-up genius in October Office:

19 (black, white, grey, red, or navy blue) Spirit shirt Bottoms
Dress code: Collared shirt (black, white, grey, red, or navy blue) Spirit shirt Bottoms (black, grey, khaki or denim)

20 Excuses: Your child must have a handwritten or doctor’s note for every day they’re absent. The note should include the date of the absence and parent signature. *handwritten notes will be reviewed by attendance committee and you can see on skyward if it was approved. *Vacations are not excused absence. * s are not accepted as an excuse

21 Folders: Please check and initial daily Please empty the folders daily
Please label all money Leave a note to check backpack

22 *Directly correlated to behavior chart
Good Behavior: *Directly correlated to behavior chart Paws for Praise End of 9 weeks celebration Class incentives

23 Homework: Menu will begin September 10th via e-mail
Homework: Menu will begin September 10th via . If you would like a hard copy please make sure to let me know. We would like your help in conserving paper.

24 Independence: In order for us to help your child learn to be independent, please allow them to do things for themselves, even if they make mistakes. Making mistakes is an important part of learning independence.

25 Jackets & Sweaters: Please send appropriate clothing as the weather changes.
(Inside the building sweaters must follow dress code colors and no logos bigger than a quarter) **Jackets don’t need to follow dress code but can only be worn outside**

26 Keeping Track: K is for keeping track of personal belongings
Keeping Track: K is for keeping track of personal belongings. Please label all items.

27 Lunch Library Menu is online at Pre-payments are preferred
Checking out/in books Responsibility Keep in backpacks zip-lock bag for water damage protect

28 Must be original packaging.
Medicine: All medicine will be administered by Nurse Kozak. Please send medication to the clinic with information about dosage and time. Must be original packaging.

29 Numbers: Please make sure that your telephone numbers and addresses are always current. This includes making sure the front office and your child’s teacher have your numbers. Also, it is very important to keep your emergency contact numbers up to date!

30 Oops! *Oops notes will be given for major and/or repeated offenses:
(*visit to Mrs. Almendarez) 10+ = U

31 Problem solving: *Tattle vs. Report Kelso’s Choices- teacher is more of the mediator that encourages children to come up with ways to problem solve on their own

32 Questions: There is no such thing as a silly question- just ask
Questions: There is no such thing as a silly question- just ask!!!! It’s the only way we can keep the lines of communication open.

33 Reading, Writing, Math, Science, Social Studies
*letters, sounds, sight words, reading! *reinforce letters and sounds at home  *take home readers *number sense, problem-solving *investigating, recording

34 PE/Art/Music/library PE- Appropriate shoes needed
Specials: PE/Art/Music/library PE- Appropriate shoes needed Snacks:- healthy and easy to eat please!

35 Transportation changes: Due by 2:00 via written note or phone call to front office.

36 Undies, etc.: Please keep a change of undies, pants, shirt, socks, etc. in your child’s backpack at all times and please keep them seasonal. Accidents happen!

37 Volunteers: We love helpers!!
Parties Field trips Class donations PTO

38 What you can do at home: Fine motor skills Drawing/coloring
“Do it nice or do it twice” Holding pencils/using scissors Letters/sounds Counting Tying shoes Lunch skills (opening containers) Social skills (good manners!!)

39 If you have any questions at all, please let us know! Thanks!

40 Mrs. Cerrano, Ms.Chapman, Mrs. Colon, Ms. Daniels,
Together, we will make a big difference in your child’s life this year. We look forward to taking this wonderful journey with you! It’s going to be a great year!! The Kindergarten Team: Mrs. Cerrano, Ms.Chapman, Mrs. Colon, Ms. Daniels, Mrs. Fitch, Mrs. Gonzalez, and Mrs. Villarreal

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