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Behavior Referrals Matoska International Elementary School

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1 Behavior Referrals Matoska International Elementary School
White Bear Lake Area Schools Kathy Moore, Ph.D., NCSP School Psychologist

2 Matoska International Elementary School
White Bear Lake Area Schools Choice school for WBL, bus from students from around the district Kindergarten through 5th grade International Baccalaureate PYP school Approx. 550 students Growing school, have around 100 enrolling kindergartners for fall K. Moore has been PBIS coach for 5th year, 7 years at Matoska. Principal has been there for same amount of time. Have not had significant change in leadership.

3 Matoska International Data System
will be our Year 5 for our PBIS program. We began as Cohort 5 in As a team in Year 1, we defined our major/minor behaviors. We created a referral process for our out of class referrals. For 2 years, and we used SWIS In , started using Skyward for behavioral referrals. WBL adapted our major/minor documentation sheet for in Skyward. Skyward data accessed by Viewpoint to receive graphs on time, location, and individual student referrals

4 Behavior Referral System
Identify who staff contact for major behavior/chronic behaviors Principal, school psychologist, behavior assistant Administrator/behavior support document out of class referrals All use same out of class referral sheet Data entered into Skyward (WBL student information system), which can be accessed through Viewpoint (WBL data system that draws information from Skyward) Data needs to have Integrity & Fidelity. Our school staff go over our Referral Procedure as well as review our Minor/Major Behaviors.

5 Referral Sheets to Data
One central place to enter the referrals sheets School admin enters the referrals each week Weekly behavior team (school psychologist, principal, district behavior consult, social worker, community liasion) Data pulled once a week to review referrals Student Time Location Type of Behavior Shared document of student name, referral count, action steps, and person responsible

6 Major/Minor Behaviors
Pull referral data for a period of time and look at highest area for minor behaviors Ex. Highest is defiance/disrespect Staff in-services over the following topics: How to de-escalate students/parents How to communicate with families, students, classrooms about students with social/emotional behavioral concerns Teaching about coercive behaviors

7 Location Pull the data by location Evaluate needs for the location Bus
Playground Classroom Common Area Specialist Evaluate needs for the location Ex. Bus PM referrals Altered bus routes PM bus communities Assigned seats Adult supervision Bus Meetings

8 Individual Students Weekly data meetings to review top students with behavior team (family advocate, behavior consult, behavior assistant, principal, school psychologist) Created a shared document to track who is assigned to which student, action items identified, and plans are made Next week the action items are reviewed, as well as new out of class referrals

9 Individual Student Ex. Student with highest number of referrals, created a separate meeting with behavior consult Defined skills deficit, identified skill needed to be taught, and addressed how to monitor behavior School psychologist met with teacher individually to go over the plan for the intervention Create a behavior plan with documentation Assigned Tier II or Tier III intervention CICO Mini FBA

10 Individual Student Mini functional behavior assessment
Define problem behavior Identify antecedents to behaviors Consequences to behaviors Possible function of behavior (DO NOT USE CONTROL) Skill replacement (realistic) Make a plan

11 Individual Student Making a plan doesn’t always have to intense/complicated Accommodation in or out of class Physical movement break, snack, bus seat or desk change Break pass Check-in time with adult Communication with family and school Daily/Weekly chart Weekly phone call Daily/Weekly

12 Improvements for Better communication with teachers/families about of out of class referrals for school and individual students Include time out of class on out of class referral sheet Better FBA plans for chronic students (Tier III) Maintain other PBIS systems: teaching behavior expectations, acknowledging behavior etc. Teacher records of student behavior Other ideas? -Kathy Moore, 8/15/13

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