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Data Coordinators Meeting WIFI: pdc

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Presentation on theme: "Data Coordinators Meeting WIFI: pdc"— Presentation transcript:

1 Data Coordinators Meeting WIFI: pdc0019 24276
January 28, 2019

2 Agenda State Reporting ESSA Info Student Data Privacy Assessments
Regents 3-8 State Reporting ESSA Info Student Data Privacy

3 Regents Regents Communications January 2019 Regents June 2019 Regents
MAARS Weekly Digest MAARS Website January 2019 Regents Physics Regents Data Warehouse June 2019 Regents Mapping Global History & Geography Courses to Correct Codes Pre-Printing: Ordering Answer Sheets, Data from L0 or Send Files Teleform Upgrade (Districts only) ASAP Updates Final Dates for 2020 Regents

4 3-8 Paper-based Assessments
3-8 Answer Sheet Printing ELA & Math answer sheet printing will be starting this week. Deadline for updating student data for ELA & Math was January 24th. Deadline for NYSESLAT – February 14th Deadline for Science – February 28th

5 3-8 Paper-based Assessments
Changes to ELA & Math answer sheets this year There are some changes to ELA & Math answer sheet “Reason Not Tested” bubbles… See hand-out titled… “Reason Not Tested – Clarification”.

6 3-8 Paper-based Assessments
3-8 Assessment Student Refusals Understanding refusals for NYS 3-8 exams. See hand-out titled… “Understanding Refusals for NYS Exams”.

7 3-8 Paper-based Assessments
Reason Not Tested Clarification & Understanding Refusals … cont. These 2 hand-outs will be included in your schools’ printed answer sheet packages. “Reason Not Tested – Clarification” “Understanding Refusals for NYS Exams”. Please make sure your principals review these documents.

8 3-8 Computer Based Assessments
Operational CBT -- Student Data Make sure all student data is accurate and up-to-date in the data warehouse. Be mindful of the following student data deadlines. These are the last opportunity to make student data updates before NYSED/Questar pulls data for loading to Nextera Admin. ELA  by noon February 7th Math  by noon March 7th

9 3-8 Computer Based Assessments
OODP (Out-Of-District-Placed) Student Data (ATTENTION: Both Operational CBT AND PBT Schools) Be mindful of your OODP students enrollment and program service data accuracy. We have BOCES 1 & BOCES 2 both participating in Operational CBT this year. Please work with these schools to help maintain student data accuracy. BOCES 1  Participating in Operational CBT - ELA 8 BOCES 2  Participating in Operational CBT ELA 4 & Math 5 A good report to use is the Student Enrollment Verification Reports on Level 1.

10 3-8 Computer Based Assessments
OODP (Paper Based Testing vs Computer Based Testing) PBT CBT Answer Sheets Answer sheet distributed between OODP and Home District No Answer Sheet distribution, except for special requests. Student Data Accuracy Student data issues can be caught during processing of answer sheets, if they occur. Student data accuracy before, during and after testing - critical for both Home District & OODP School There are no edit checks during testing. OODP Role (Testing School) Administers Test Administers, Scores & Reports Test (automatically via computer) Maintain Student Data Accuracy in DW Home District Role (School of Accountability) Scores and Reports Test (collects & brings test in for processing) Maintain Student Data Accuracy in DW

11 3-8 Computer Based Assessments
Additional Information Concerning OODP Student Scenarios OODP is an ongoing topic between RIC CBT Working Group and NYSED. Currently reviewing different types of OODP scenarios that can and do occur and how the process might look for each (CBT vs Non-CBT).

12 3-8 Computer Based Assessments
Overall Student Data Accuracy - Things to Keep in Mind Student moves after data deadline: Maybe loaded into Nextera Admin under previous school. The new school may get an error message when attempting to hand-enter the student into Nextera Admin stating “student already entered under a different school”. If this occurs, please contact us as we may be able to assist in transferring the student to the correct “testing” school in Nextera Admin. If you find a student that was loaded into Nextera Admin that is no longer at your school, check to make sure the student records, in the data warehouse, have the appropriate exit dates and reason. If you hand-enter a student into Nextera Admin, check to make sure that student is accurately entered into the warehouse. (don’t forget location and program service information). Make sure hand-entered NYSIS ID’s and Local ID’s are accurate. (NYSED is looking for ways to check these for accuracy … for example requiring 9 charters) These are situations that can cause a delay on the student’s scores loading back into the data warehouse and may have to be entered during summer (September) clean-up!

13 3-8 Computer Based Assessments
Operational CBT – Secure Browser Schools should begin planning to uninstall and re-install the Questar Secure Browser on all student testing devises. Questions: please contact Questar Customer Support Phone: / Additional Information: For Mac and Windows Secure Browser downloads, please be reminded of the additional files to assist with bulk/mass installations: What are the current versions of the Questar Secure Browsers on each allowable testing device for CBT? Secure Browser Updates for the Spring 2019 CBT Administration Video: Learn how to Download and Test the Questar Secure Browser

14 3-8 Computer Based Assessments
Statewide Simulation - February 26 & March 5 Any school can participate (not just Operational CBT schools) NYSED is encouraging as many schools participate as possible January 30th Webinar to help folks prepare Register Now: Information Webinar on January 30, 2019 to Help Schools Prepare for the Statewide CBT Simulations

15 3-8 Computer Based Assessments
NYSED CBT Winter Tour (Training) Registration is still open… Registration Open: The 2019 Regional Winter CBT Training Sessions Location: Monroe 2-Orleans BOCES, Professional Development Center, Conference Rooms 3&4, 3599 Big Ridge Rd. Spencerport, NY 14559 Time: 8:30am – 12:30pm

16 3-8 Computer Based Assessments
Operational CBT - ScorePoint Training Notes & Reminders There are no changes to the ScorePoint system from last year. Training will be hands on and folks should bring their own devices. Registration and Agenda now available Registration: Regional CBT ScorePoint Training Sessions, March 2019 What is the agenda for the 2019 Regional CBT ScorePoint Training Sessions? Please refer to Weekly Digest for additional information.

17 3-8 Computer Based Assessments
Field Test Selection (CBT and PBT) NYSED is removing the “optional” from any school field test assignments. Starting this year, each school assigned a field test assessment must participate in that field test assessment. NYSED is looking to see if there is a way to allow BOCES to also participate in these field tests.

18 3-8 Computer Based Assessments
Operational CBT – Taking Test via Paper Answer Sheet “accommodations” Testing Accommodations Guide (2018) (from Last Year) May help schools as they evaluate a student’s ability to test via computer 2018 Grades 3-8 English Language Arts and Mathematics (from Last Year) Appendix G, H and Y … also a good resource We will talk with NYSED to add a little more detail to these documents to assist schools. For Operational CBT schools, having a student take the NYS ELA or Math test via answer sheet should be thought of as “test accommodation” and should be noted into the student’s IEP or 504 as part of the student’s plan/test accommodations… method of presentation. Please work with your Special Ed department and certainly reach out to us or NYSED with questions. Please remember that CBT practice tests are available and should be used to help you to determine if a student is able to complete the test via computer.

19 State Reporting: ePMF Districts, BOCES and Charters Teachers ePMF Data
Staff Snapshot & ePMF forms in TAA Last day to push Staff Snapshot is Thursday, 1/31 Administrators can correct ePMF forms until Friday, 2/1 ePMF Certification in TAA is due on Friday, 2/1 Non-Teaching Professionals ePMF Data Staff Snapshot & Staff Assignment Data is due Thursday, 1/31

20 State Reporting: TSDL & Staff Assignment
Districts & BOCES only TSDL: Course Rosters in TAA Staff Snapshot & Staff-Student-Course Grades 3-8 ELA/Math & Regents Math Courses TSDL data due Thursday, 6/13 Certification due Friday, 6/21 Staff Assignment – Principals only Staff Snapshot & Staff Assignment Staff Assignment data due Thursday, 6/13

21 State Reporting March 22nd BEDS Day data extract
Enrollment by grade, district of residence, district Pre-K, and supplemental enrollment counts Immigrant Student Counts Free & Reduced Lunch (FRPL) Counts Data due Thursday, 3/21 March/April ELL Counts data extract ELL Eligible students Be sure data is in SIRS by March

22 Scheduling Reports in DW & L2RPT
Highly recommend creating a schedule in Data Warehouse (Level 1) for the Data Quality Report Card found under Verification Reports Chronic Absenteeism is another useful weekly report

23 Identification and Reporting
Migrant Students Identification and Reporting

24 Reporting Migrant Definition: Determination Program Service Codes
A Student, or child or spouse of, a migratory agricultural, dairy, or fisherworker In proceeding 36 months has moved between school districts to pursue season work Determination Certification of Eligibility provided by local METS office Program Service Codes Title I - Part C: Education of Migratory Children FRPL 0198, Poverty

25 ESSA Designations GS= Good Standing CSI= Comprehensive School in Need of Improvement (All Students) TSI= Target School in Need of Improvement (Subgroups) PTSI= Potential Target School in Need of Improvement (takes 2 years worth of data) TD= Target District

26 ESSA-

27 Student Data Privacy Read the NYS Education Department release here:
Proposed Regulations to Strengthen the Security of Personally Identifiable Information for Students & School Personnel- BOR at January meeting currently in 60 day public comment period Read the NYS Education Department release here: State Education Department Proposes Regulations to Strengthen the Security of Personally Identifiable Information for Students & School Personnel Link to additional presentation (PDF: Proposing Part 121 of Commissioner’s Regulations- Protecting PII in Educational Agencies (Education Law 2-d Regulations) Link to the regulations



30 Next Meeting: Options: 9:00 am March 11, 2019 (in-person) 1:00 pm March 12, 2019 (remote via Zoom)
Thank you for coming!

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