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Presentation on theme: "Romanticism."— Presentation transcript:

1 Romanticism

2 Why It Happened The bubble burst!
After all the rationalization of the Enlightenment and the stuffy aristocrats, people wanted to get back to nature Artists felt there was too much emphasis on the elite class and on cities, which were becoming dirty and crime-infested

3 Some Characteristics All Romantic writing focuses on nature and human-nature There is a major focus on nature and the ways that people effect and view it Often, writing during the Romantic period will have supernatural elements

4 The Two Types The Lighter Side
These writings look at nature with awe and wonder and yearn to get back to a more natural state Henry Thoreau Ralph Waldo Emerson The focus is on human strength through the power of getting in touch with the natural self

5 The Dark Side These writers explored the supernatural and the effects that humans have on nature – the negative effects There writings are often warnings against challenging the natural order of the world Think Frankenstein! Edgar Allen Poe Nathaniel Hawthorne AND

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