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Putrajaya Boulevard (Artist Impression)

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1 Putrajaya Boulevard (Artist Impression)
Government Policies Module L-030-3(5) Putrajaya Boulevard (Artist Impression) Year 2025 Prepared by: Eng Kok Siong Copyright 2010 All Rights Reserved

2 Deliver Information on Parliamentary Democracy
Some Definitions of Democracy The political orientation of those who favor government by the people or by their elected representatives A political system in which the supreme power lies in a body of citizens who can elect people to represent them Majority rule: the doctrine that the numerical majority of an organized group can make decisions binding on the whole group Slide 2 2

3 The Constitution Features
The Malaysian Constitution is derived from the constitution of the Federation of Malaya which was promulgated on Merdeka Day, 31 August 1957. Features Yang DiPertuan Agong is elected as its state head for a term of five years. Consists of Senate (Dewan Rakyat) 69 members. A House of Representatives. Elections to the Lower House is held every 5 years. Slide 3 3

4 Parliament Seating Plan
Slide 4 4

5 Officers of Parliament
Functions of the Speaker include: To be responsible for maintaining order in the House; To ensure that relevancy is observed during debates; To interpret the Standing Orders in case of disputes; and To certify money bills before such bills are transmitted to the Dewan Rakyat List of Recent Yang de-Pertua Dewan Rakyat: Y.A. Bhg. Tun Dato' Seri Dr. Mohamed Zahir bin Haji Ismail YB Tan Sri Dato' Seri Diraja Ramli bin Ngah Talib YB Tan Sri Datuk Seri Utama Pandikar Amin bin Haji Mulia Present Slide 5 5

6 Officers of Parliament
Deputy Speaker: Only has 2 Deputy Speakers who are members of the Dewan Rakyat. To assist the speakers in matters pertaining to the sitting of the House. Clerk: Is the chief administrative officer of Parliament and had throughout knowledge of parliamentary practice and procedure. Has custody of all House record, endorses Bills sent to the Senate and reads whatever is required in the House. Deputy Clerk: Assist in Clerk of Parliament in administrative matters. Sergeant-at-Arms: Responsible for maintenance of order. Slide 6 6

7 Parliamentary Procedure
Dress: Only in lounge suit of in “National Dress” Language: Since the passing of the National Language Act in September 1967, Bahasa Melayu has become the official language of the Parliament. Quorum: Dewan Rakyat has 192 members, excluding Mr. Speaker, the quorum of the House is 26. Absent members are not allowed to vote. Decisions of Parliament: Makes decisions by a simple majority except in the case of amendments to the Constitution or a Bill, a two-third majority is required. Slide 7 7

8 Parliamentary Procedure
Order in House: Mr. Speaker has the responsibility to ensure that members comply with the rules of the House and conduct themselves in a proper manner. Questions: Cover the whole administration of the country. Can be divided into written and oral. A member may not ask more than 20 questions for oral reply and 5 written questions in any one meeting. Rule of Debate: A member may not speak until called upon to do so by Speaker. Order of Business: The House sits from 2.30 p.m. until 6.30 p.m. Slide 8 8

9 Legislative Procedures
Bills: A proposed law submitted to parliament for its approval. May be first introduced in either the House or the Senate, but money bills must be introduced in the House by a minister. 4 types of Bills: Private member’s Bills Private Bills Hybrid Bills Public Bills Slide 9 9

10 Class Activity Instructions: Get into a group of 4 or 5
Download Class Activity File from the URL given Discuss for the answer Sent a representative for presentation Slide 10 10

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