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Freshman Writing Daily Journals

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1 Freshman Writing Daily Journals

2 -- Daily Journal Write about a time in your life when you struggled with making an important choice or decision. Did you make the right choice? Explain

3 Daily Journal Identify two or three values that your family has instilled in you.  What are these values?  Why are these important?  How do you live them?

4 Daily Journal If your life was a movie, what actor would portray you? Why? Also, name 3 songs that would be in the movie’s soundtrack, and why.

5 Daily Journal Write down your 3 favorite verbs, and a brief explanation for why you chose each.

6 Daily Journal Write about the different versions of family that are explored throughout Into the Wild. Discuss the dynamics of Chris’s biological family, as well as the families he creates for himself along his journey. How did Chris’s lifestyle/behavior affect these different “families” who were so close to him?

7 Daily journal What is your favorite thing about high school? Why? What part of high school have you found to be the hardest? Why?

8 Daily journal Have you had any experience with persuasive/argumentative writing? If so, to what extent? What are some specific examples of persuasive/argumentative writing? (Hint: not just essays/articles)

9 Who/what are you thankful for? Explain.
Daily journal Who/what are you thankful for? Explain.

10 Daily Journal Why is it important that we cite sources? When, where and how should we do so?

11 Daily Journal If you were trapped on a deserted island, what 3 items would you NEED to have with you? Explain reasoning for each.

12 Daily Journal What goals do you have for 2018? In what ways can you improve yourself in the classroom, on the court/field, or just in general?

13 Daily Journal How do you respond to criticism? (This can be in school, athletics, at home, etc.) Do you think criticism is ultimately helpful/hurtful? What can you do to give ’constructive criticism” to others?

14 Daily Journal Write about a time when you had to sacrifice something important. What was it, and how did you react? How did you feel afterwards?

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