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Unit 2 Vocabulary.

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1 Unit 2 Vocabulary

2 ameliorate Verb to improve to make better -------------------------
to worsen

3 aplomb Noun poise assurance great self-confidence

4 bombastic Adjective pompous overblown in language inflated
plain austere

5 callow Adjective Class of 2020 without experience immature
lacking sophistication and poise inexperienced sophisticated

6 drivel Noun saliva foolishness nonsense to utter nonsense hogwash

7 epitome a summary condensed account represents a larger reality Model
The very essence

8 exhort to urge strongly to implore ----------------------------
discourage advise against

9 ex officio holding a certain office

10 infringe to violate to trespass to intrude

11 ingratiate to make oneself agreeable and thus gain favor or acceptance by others cozy up alienate

12 interloper an intruder trespasser meddler

13 intrinsic belonging to someone or something by its very nature
essential inherent

14 inveigh to make a violent attack in words express strong disapproval
glorify extol

15 lassitude weariness of body or mind lack of energy fatigue lethargy
energy vitality

16 millennium a 1000 years a period of great joy

17 occult mysterious supernatural secret hidden from view
common public

18 permeate to spread through penetrate soak through

19 precipitate to fall as moisture bring about suddenly provoke produce

20 stringent strict severe sharp or bitter to the taste tough
lenient lax

21 surmise to think or believe without certain supporting evidence

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