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Welcome to Computer Applications!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Computer Applications!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Computer Applications!
McCombs Middle School

2 Classroom expectations
What are we doing today? Seating Chart Classroom expectations

3 Chairs Adjust to your height, then leave it! No spinning
If you need to go somewhere, walk there! Do not step on cords!

4 Appropriate Use Agreement
You may not: Send or display offensive messages or pictures Use obscene language Harass, insult, or attack others Damage computers, computer systems, or computer networks Violate copyright laws

5 Appropriate Use Agreement
Use another’s password Trespass in another’s folders, work, or files Intentionally waste limited resources Employ the network for commercial purposes

6 Appropriate Use Agreement
Among other things, this means you may not Access the internet without teacher permission Use the network for personal , instant messaging, or chat rooms Download music or video using the network

7 Appropriate Use Agreement
Violation #1: Network use restricted for up to 3 weeks (No internet!) Violation #2: Network use restricted for up to 8 weeks (No internet!) Violation #3: Network use restricted for remainder of the school year (No internet!)

8 Make sure you have all of your belongings Log off Push in your chair
Before you leave . . . Make sure you have all of your belongings Log off Push in your chair

9 Walk into the classroom on time and quietly
Expectations Walk into the classroom on time and quietly Raise your hand if you have a question

10 Any questions?

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