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An Introduction Christopher Lembo

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Presentation on theme: "An Introduction Christopher Lembo"— Presentation transcript:

1 An Introduction Christopher Lembo

2 Earthquake Footage

3 Why Earthquakes happen
Earthquakes happen when One tectonic plate slides over another plate One tectonic plate slides against another plate A volcano erupts A rift forms

4 Where are most Earthquakes Located?

5 Why are Most Earthquakes in Those Areas?
Earthquakes are located near where plate boundaries meet. . These plate boundaries have faults located near or on them.

6 World Tectonic Plate Boundaries

7 What is a fault? A fault is a location where rock has fractured and one side has moved relative to the other. There are three types of faults Strike Slip-where one section of rock slides left or right in relationship to the other section of rock Normal-where one section of rock slides under another section of rock Thrust-where one section of rock pushes up over another section of rock

8 Types of faults

9 Earthquakes and Damage
Earthquake damage can be severe or slight depending on: The value of the property and number of buildings above the earthquake The type of rock in which the earthquake occurred The depth of the earthquake The duration of the earthquake Example of what an earthquake could sound like in your home

10 How Damaging can Earthquakes be compared to other disasters?

11 Summary Earthquakes are caused by tectonic plates shifting, volcanoes erupting and by rifts forming. Most earthquakes happen at regions where tectonic plates meet. Faults are locations where rock is fractured and one region is moving relative to the other. There are three types of faults; Strike-Slip, Normal, and Thrust faults. Earthquake damage varies depending on what type of rock the earthquake occurred, values of property, duration of the earthquake, and depth of the earthquake.

12 Quiz time! What causes an earthquake to happen?
A. Tectonic plates shifting B. Storms C. Fires D. Wars Next Question

13 Quiz #2 Which of these is not an example of a type of fault?
A. Strike-Slip B. Thrust C. Forward D. Normal Next Question

14 Quiz #3 What can make an earthquake more damaging?
A. The type of fault B. The time of day C. The weather conditions D. The duration of the earthquake To the Credits

15 Correct

16 Incorrect

17 Credits: Earthquakes: An Introduction. Rainbow Educational Media (1995). Retrieved March 10, 2009, from Discovery Education: EARTHQUAKE : INTERIOR EARTHQUAKE RUMBLE STRESS CRACKS AND VARIOUS CRASHES DISASTER. Discovery Education (2009). Retrieved March 10, 2009, from Discovery Education: Pictures courtesy of: The United States Geological Survey

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