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HLN Consulting, LLC® November 8, 2006

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1 HLN Consulting, LLC® November 8, 2006
Vermont Health Information Technology Plan Development Project Technical Architecture Methodology HLN Consulting, LLC® November 8, 2006 5/24/2019

2 Why Technical Architecture?
An important component of the Technology Plan At the core of any implementation It's as much a process as a product, and the process will uncover much of what we need to know to create the plan 5/24/2019

3 What is a Technical Architecture?
A technical architecture is a blueprint for making choices about hardware, software and communications. From it flow standards, purchase recommendations, and other investment decisions regarding technology and its use. 5/24/2019

4 What are some of the attributes of a technical architecture?
The crucial objective is to improve the overall performance of the system-as-a-whole. It is not a platform from which to preach a certain methodology or justify a predetermined technical direction. It is not technical mumbo-jumbo: it must speak to business people as well as to technical people. 5/24/2019

5 Technical Architecture
Developed from five components: 5/24/2019

6 How do we choose a Technical Architecture?
Vision and Goals: The technical architecture must help fulfill the overall vision and goals of HIT in the State. In some cases these may be articulated as specific requirements, in some cases just as more general statements. Assumptions are be made clear, as well as the risks of doing (or not doing) certain activities. Information Technology "Principles": It is helpful to articulate a set of basic, but shared, beliefs about information technology and its role in the State. These beliefs are negotiated among all relevant stakeholders, and are stable enough once ratified to form the basis for moving ahead and selecting an architecture. 5/24/2019

7 How do we choose a Technical Architecture?
Understanding of current (de facto) and feasible architectures: Before the Plan can be developed, we must understand where the participants are currently situated in terms of their HIT choices. Often, this step involves careful documentation of current systems and infrastructure in a way that has never been done. In addition, we must consider feasible architectures that could be implemented with existing components and techniques. Relevant Industry/Technology trends: A a portion of time needs to be spent evaluating new technologies, and studying new products and strategies emerging on the horizon. While we cannot devote extensive resources to such industry examination, some level of technology tracking is always necessary. 5/24/2019

8 How do we choose a Technical Architecture?
Standards: Various efforts are underway to develop national standards for functionality, interoperability, communications, and privacy. While this can be a confusing landscape, attention must be put to how these standards may affect the architecture. State and local standards may be equally relevant to the new architecture. 5/24/2019

9 Technical Architecture

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