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‘Tone’ Types of Questions

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1 ‘Tone’ Types of Questions
Close Reading ‘Tone’ Types of Questions

2 Types of Tone: Humorous Conversational/chatty Persuasive Dismissive
Ironic Serious/Formal Emotive (to make the reader feel a certain emotion.)

3 What do you call that? Curious – looking at something you have never seen before. Sarcastic – A teacher looking at badly attempted homework. Angry – a mother looking at her daughter’s very short skirt. Frightened – in a scary context. In order to identify the tone you must look at the context of the statement to understand what is going on.

4 Read the following extracts and for each decide what tone is being used, listing the words/phrases which helped you. He walked into the immense cathedral, looked down the length of his nose and simply sniffed, proclaiming a tiny ‘humph’, before just glancing around. The golden coloured alter, with intricate brass carving he dismissed as ‘brass and stuff’. The flowers he shrugged at, before turning on his heels, unimpressed and bored.

5 2. Gosh, you won’t believe what I’ve done now
2. Gosh, you won’t believe what I’ve done now. How could anyone have been so stupid? After the last time you’d have thought I’d have known better, wouldn’t you? 3. I just couldn’t believe the nerve of the man, and my face reddens whenever I think of it. How dare he speak to me like that, with such a condescending tone of voice. Who gave him the right to treat anyone like that? He really made my blood boil.

6 4. How could you allow them to trample all over the evidence
4. How could you allow them to trample all over the evidence? If a herd of buffaloes had come along they would have made less mess! 5. The landscape was extraordinary. It was as though God had left this awesome sheer face of rock deliberately in the middle of the city, to remind us of his existence. 6. The Great Hall suddenly transformed into a feast. The four long house tables were laden tureens of porridge, plates of kippers, mountains of toast and dishes of egg and bacon . . .

7 7. Lyra moved through the dark hall, taking care to keep out of sight
7. Lyra moved through the dark hall, taking care to keep out of sight. She crouched behind a table before darting in to the retiring room. Even the servants didn’t come in here. Suddenly she heard voices and dived behind a chair. She knew if she was discovered The pupils stood regimented in line, before being marched off into class.

8 9. He was starting school, and by the time he left he’d be a man and I’d be middle- aged. Those long days of afternoons together were over. My baby was joining the world. I missed him already. 10. We sat and looked down at the valley below. Nothing stirred. No-one was around to disturb us. The worries of reality and city life were gone. We were truly at peace here.

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