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Scientific Method Purpose Problem Hypothesis Variables Materials

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Presentation on theme: "Scientific Method Purpose Problem Hypothesis Variables Materials"— Presentation transcript:

1 Scientific Method Purpose Problem Hypothesis Variables Materials
Procedure Observations/data/making inferences Results Conclusion

2 Purpose The purpose tells why you are doing this project. What you are trying to find out. Begin with: “The purpose of this project is…”

3 Problem The problem is always written in the form of a question.

4 Hypothesis The hypothesis is your educated guess as to what will happen based on your research or prior knowledge. It is a guide or basis for your experiment to follow. It should be written as an “if, then” statement. It can also be written as an “if, then, because” statement.

5 Variables Manipulated variable (Independent): The one variable you changed. Responding variable (Dependent): The outcome that occurred because of the manipulated variable. If possible, a control group should be used for comparison. (Controlling variables)

6 Materials List those used in the experiment only. Must be instruments using SI units.

7 Procedure Steps taken to answer the question. Must be listed in the order they were done.

8 Observations/Data This is a record of your observations. A daily, dated record of what you see, smell, hear, etc. Measurements, notes, raw data and inferences will be recorded in your log book.

9 Results A chart and graph summarizing your data. A written statement should go along with your chart and graph explaining your findings.

10 Conclusion This either supports or doesn’t support your hypothesis by the results of your experiment. It is to be written as a paragraph with the topic sentence, “The results supported or did not support the hypothesis.” Restate your hypothesis and give reasons why it supported or did not support it. Give possible extensions to experiment.

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