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Ratcliffe and Oaklands

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1 Ratcliffe and Oaklands
PE and Sport Premium

2 Ratcliffe/Oaklands Primary School Sport Funding 2017/18 The Olympic and Paralympic Games have given us a springboard in supporting the delivery of outstanding Physical Education in all our schools. The government has decided to specifically focus on our primary age pupils as they will be the ones to carry this legacy into the future and as a result it has been agreed that extra sports funding be given for pupils in the primary age range. It is intended that the funding has a direct impact on pupils lifestyles and physical wellbeing as well as developing PE and school sport. It has been suggested that school sport funding could be spent on -increasing participation rates by offering more clubs/sports activities -increasing opportunities for competition in school sport -evaluating how inclusive the PE curriculum is at school -stimulating growth in a range of activities -improvement in partnership work/links with the community -promoting greater awareness amongst pupils about the dangers of obesity, smoking and other activities that could undermine pupils health. -promoting positive attitudes to mental health and building mental resilience through sport and healthy activities. Here at Ratcliffe/Oaklands we now need to make decisions about how to best spend this funding over the next few years and how to monitor its impact in order to maintain effectiveness. We also acknowledge that due to the nature of our school and the pupils specific needs the impact of this funding will have an affect on all our pupils including those in KS3 and KS4.

3 Target/Planned Activity
PE/Health/School Sport-Impact Delivery Process Projected Costs/ End of year Impacts Professional Development in PE and Sport. BABCOCK DLP Continued links with Dartmoor SSP and Special Schools PE meeting group. PE /Sport safety checks Physical Education School Sport PE, School Sport Up to date advice and support covering -health and safety -curriculum -access to resources -regular meetings -CPD -newsletter, -fixtures, festivals and events. -grants and funding. -new activities -DTGS to safety check all equipment indoor and outdoor areas. £500 Each School. Links have been maintained with the South Dartmoor School Sport Partnership. Special School meetings have been held termly. £300 each school . School safety checks completed-report to follow. Equipment safe and maintained for future use. Continued links to be developed with external providers to introduce new activities and create links to community sports clubs. -PE -Pupil Health -School Sport TQ United to be employed for 1 day a week in each school to offer lunchtime clubs and additional sports activities to top up curriculum. Andy Fox Tri Golf Steve Pritchard Table Cricket Exeter Chiefs Rugby 8 sessions Bovey Tracey Cricket Club and coaches.. £1500. for each school.TQ UTD continued on a Thursday evening until the end of the Summer Term 2018. -Exeter City booked on a Friday afternoon for both sites from Sept Lunchtime Club and afternoon training. £1800. Celebration day activity. £300 Ratcliffe. life skills activities Sessions provided in curriculum time. £600 Oaklands. No cost at present. No cost at present These events impact the whole school and encourage lifetime interest in sport and create links to clubs. Pupils from bothe sites take part in organised cricket festival. PE Sports Premium Funding Delivery Plan For Ratcliffe/Oaklands School 2017/18

4 Target/planned Activity PE/Health/School Sport -Impact
Delivery Process Cost/ End of Year Impact Buy equipment/improve facilities on both sites for current and future use. PE School Sport Pupil health and well being. -Pool fan at Oaklands to maintain healthier environment and stop deterioration of equipment. -Paddle boards to enhance Outdoor education -Exercise bikes to encourage participation. £6,612. Oaklands It was not possible to purchase this. -Early years swimming equipment and climbing frame. Replacement equipment. Scooter Boards for use by all pupils. £6000 Ratcliffe. These purchased and used by both sites. Sustainable use. £900 each school. PE Kit Improve opportunities for pupils to meet NC requirements for swimming. Health and well being -Order PE kit for both schools based on new school name with new logo. Arrange extra swimming sessions for those who need it KS2/3 £1000eachschool.Parents/carers purchase PE kit. Money to be used for football kit and waterproof jackets £2000. This will allow greater access to outdoor activities for all pupils. £600 each school.£ % of pupils can swim over 25m the rest have good water confidence. Continue to participate in competitive sports events both in school and in the wider community. -FF to arrange/ organise competitive activities across both schools as appropriate. - New sports jackets or team kits to be ordered as necessary. £300 These event are arranged in liaison with the Special Schools Sport Partnership. £1000 Sustainable. CPD- FF and other staff to attend relevant courses. -Fun Fit course -Find appropriate courses which will enhance current provision. £500 each school C Hexter has attended Football Level 1 coaching and D Turner may attend Balanceability training. Impact on whole school community.Sustainable.

5 Cost/End of Year Impacts
Target/Planned Activity PE/Health/School Sport Impact Delivery Process Cost/End of Year Impacts Buy equipment for planned new Youth Club Facility . This will be part of ongoing development when the two schools merge. This facility will be used by both schools. PE School Sport Health and well being. FF to assess needs and order equipment as appropriate. £1500. each school. £3000. spent on Pool Table, Air Hockey Table, Table Football, Music Centre and kitchen Equipment. This area will be sustainable and impact the whole school community. Support future developments for sports facilities at the new merged school. FF to assess need based on future developments. In the short term new sports hall markings will be needed at Ratcliffe. £2000 Support events arranged within school which encourage pupil participation. Health and well being. FF to support regular events as well as proposed new initiatives. Ten Tors Football Satellite Club Reward Trips which may involve a sporting connection. Eg Clip and Climb. £120 Exeter City attended our Celebration opening day for Orchard Manor. £500 each school £500 £1000.

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