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Presentation on theme: "REPRODUCTION REVISION."— Presentation transcript:


2 REPRODUCTION Occurs in living organisms: plants and animals for procreation There are two methods: Asexual and Sexual Asexual involves only one parent, sexual requires two parents.

3 Sexual reproduction in plants
Recall plants structures: Roots- take in nutrients from the soil into the plant The shoot – made up of the branches, stems, leaves (once green perform photosysnthesis), flowers and fruits The flowers is made up of parts that produce the male and female gametes (sex cells) Male gametes in plants are found on the stigma of flowers and the female gametes are found in the ovaries of the flowers

4 Sexual reproduction in plants
There are two methods of sexual reproduction in plants: Self pollination – the pollen (male gamete) goes down the style into the ovary of the flower and fuses with the ova/egg (female gamete Cross pollination – the pollen is taken to another flower and fertilizes the egg of that next flower

5 Sexual reproduction in plants – Cross pollination
Two methods of cross pollination: Wind pollination – the wind can blow the pollen from one flower to another Insect pollination – the insects attracted to the flower gets pollen stuck to its legs and takes the pollen with it to other flowers for pollination.

6 Sexual reproduction in plants – flower design for purpose
Type of cross pollination for sexual reproduction Design of Flower parts Petals Stigma Style Ovaries Wind pollination Small petals Open to the wind Long and thin To the base of the flower Insect pollination Usually large, bright and have guide lines to attract insects ( sweet smell also) To the top of the flower, sticky and large


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