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District 7750 Grants & The Rotary Foundation

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1 District 7750 Grants & The Rotary Foundation 2017-2018

2 Doing Good in the World TRF Mission and Motto
… to enable Rotarians to advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through the improvement of health, the support of education, and the alleviation of poverty COL Endorsed April 2007 Let’s quickly review the Foundation’s mission and motto. All of the activities of The Rotary Foundation must be related to the mission of the Foundation as approved by the Council on Legislation

3 Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
6 Areas of Focus Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs We Get We Give As you can see, each Area of Focus fits into one of the key concepts of the mission statement. 3

4 More Rotarians, doing more projects, in more of the world
6 Areas of Focus VISION 6 Areas of Focus Peace & Conflict Resolution More Rotarians, doing more projects, in more of the world EAFK Veteran Mentoring Economic Development Haiti Vocational School Money Smart Basic Education & Literacy Haiti Literacy Read-to-Me Tutoring (Literacy, GED) As you can see, each Area of Focus fits into one of the key concepts of the mission statement. Disease Prevention & Treatment Water & Sanitation Maternal & Child Health Water Projects Polio Plus Foundation Training Jan 2016

5 How are Projects Funded?
Through Grants Initiated by Rotarians and Rotary clubs You know where your contributions are going All of the grants of the Rotary Foundation will be delivered through three vehicles, Rotary Foundation District Grants, Rotary Foundation Global Grants and Packaged Grants.

6 District Grants Global Grants Grant Types
All of the grants of the Rotary Foundation will be delivered through three vehicles, Rotary Foundation District Grants, Rotary Foundation Global Grants and Packaged Grants. 6

7 The Rotary Foundation SHARE Funding Model Flow of $100 Contribution to AF-SHARE
Rotary Member or Club PolioPlus Typically non-Rotarians $100 * Handling Fee < 5% Annual Fund SHARE Designated to 1 of 6 Areas of Focus Designated to AF-SHARE by Contributor 45% - 50% World Fund * Handling Fee of up to 5%, depending on interest earned on TRF funds Now, how do we fund the grant structure? The current DDF/SHARE system will remain—Annual Programs Fund contributions still will be invested for a period of time and in the third year will be split 50/50 between the DDF (the District Designated Fund) and the World Fund. Within the DDF, each district may elect to receive up to 50% of the available DDF for Rotary Foundation District Grants. At district’s direction, the remaining DDF—that is at least 50% as districts can choose to use up to a maximum of 50% for district grants— along with the World Fund, cash flow through from contributions, permanent fund earnings, named gifts, and donor advised funds will support Rotary Foundation Global Grants. Keep in mind that the current World Fund matching concept will remain in the funding model. All club- and district- developed global grants will provide a World Fund match to DDF, cash and Donor Advised Funds, regardless of activity. The Foundation will no longer provide a World Fund match for smaller, less strategic projects and activities that will be undertaken by district grants. Packaged grants will be primarily funded solely from the World Fund. However, there may be circumstances the clubs and districts may also use DDF and cash to develop packaged grants.

8 The Rotary Foundation SHARE Funding Model Flow of $100 Contribution to AF-SHARE
Rotary Member or Club PolioPlus Typically non-Rotarians $100 * Handling Fee < 5% Annual Fund SHARE Designated to 1 of 6 Areas of Focus Designated to AF-SHARE by Contributor 45% - 50% World Fund 50% of AF-SHARE contributed 3 years prior 50% ($50) * Handling Fee of up to 5%, depending on interest earned on TRF funds District-Designated Funds (DDF) IMPORTANT: Only funds designated to AF-SHARE create DDF 50% of AF-SHARE contributions return to D-7750 as District Designated Funds (DDF) 3 years later D-7750 Grants Committee allocates up to 50% of DDF to District Grants and selects grants to be funded D-7750 Grants Committee selects international projects to be funded with Global Grants Now, how do we fund the grant structure? The current DDF/SHARE system will remain—Annual Programs Fund contributions still will be invested for a period of time and in the third year will be split 50/50 between the DDF (the District Designated Fund) and the World Fund. Within the DDF, each district may elect to receive up to 50% of the available DDF for Rotary Foundation District Grants. At district’s direction, the remaining DDF—that is at least 50% as districts can choose to use up to a maximum of 50% for district grants— along with the World Fund, cash flow through from contributions, permanent fund earnings, named gifts, and donor advised funds will support Rotary Foundation Global Grants. Keep in mind that the current World Fund matching concept will remain in the funding model. All club- and district- developed global grants will provide a World Fund match to DDF, cash and Donor Advised Funds, regardless of activity. The Foundation will no longer provide a World Fund match for smaller, less strategic projects and activities that will be undertaken by district grants. Packaged grants will be primarily funded solely from the World Fund. However, there may be circumstances the clubs and districts may also use DDF and cash to develop packaged grants. Up to 50% ($25) 50% ($25) District Grants Global Grants $25 $25 Club Project ($50) International Project ($50) Club Match ($25) 8

9 The Rotary Foundation SHARE Funding Model Flow of $100 Contribution to AF-SHARE
Rotary Member or Club PolioPlus Typically non-Rotarians $100 * Handling Fee < 5% Annual Fund SHARE Designated to 1 of 6 Areas of Focus Designated to AF-SHARE by Contributor 45% - 50% World Fund 50% of AF-SHARE contributed 3 years prior 50% ($50) * Handling Fee of up to 5%, depending on interest earned on TRF funds District-Designated Funds (DDF) IMPORTANT: Only funds designated to AF-SHARE create DDF 50% of AF-SHARE contributions return to D-7750 as District Designated Funds (DDF) 3 years later D-7750 Grants Committee allocates up to 50% of DDF to District Grants and selects grants to be funded D-7750 Grants Committee selects international projects to be funded with Global Grants Now, how do we fund the grant structure? The current DDF/SHARE system will remain—Annual Programs Fund contributions still will be invested for a period of time and in the third year will be split 50/50 between the DDF (the District Designated Fund) and the World Fund. Within the DDF, each district may elect to receive up to 50% of the available DDF for Rotary Foundation District Grants. At district’s direction, the remaining DDF—that is at least 50% as districts can choose to use up to a maximum of 50% for district grants— along with the World Fund, cash flow through from contributions, permanent fund earnings, named gifts, and donor advised funds will support Rotary Foundation Global Grants. Keep in mind that the current World Fund matching concept will remain in the funding model. All club- and district- developed global grants will provide a World Fund match to DDF, cash and Donor Advised Funds, regardless of activity. The Foundation will no longer provide a World Fund match for smaller, less strategic projects and activities that will be undertaken by district grants. Packaged grants will be primarily funded solely from the World Fund. However, there may be circumstances the clubs and districts may also use DDF and cash to develop packaged grants. Up to 50% ($25) 50% ($25) District Grants Global Grants 100% Match from World Fund $25 $25 $25 Rotarian contributions directed to a Global Grant are matched 50% by the World Fund Club Project ($50) International Project ($50) + Club Match ($25) 9

10 District Grants Grant Types
All of the grants of the Rotary Foundation will be delivered through three vehicles, Rotary Foundation District Grants, Rotary Foundation Global Grants and Packaged Grants.

11 Rotary Foundation District Grants
Simple, flexible, innovative Small-scale, short-term (<1 year, <$10,000) Educational and humanitarian projects and activities consistent with mission Awarded annually Applications submitted online via District website: Due April 30 each year Rotary Foundation District Grants provide simplicity, flexibility, and opportunities for innovation. Clubs and their district will work together to fund smaller educational and humanitarian activities and these projects can be conducted either locally or internationally. The District Simplified Grants that we are familiar with already in the Rotary Foundation are a model of how “District Grants” now work. These projects and activities should support the mission of the Rotary Foundation, allowing a broad range of choices for clubs and districts. The funding will come from the Rotary Foundation, but be administered at the district level providing a funding mechanism for the smaller projects that clubs and districts wish to undertake either in their local area or internationally. Application forms on District Site.

12 District Grants — Mission-related
Examples of Activity District Grants — Mission-related Automated External Defibrillator (AED) Design and Implement a Local Playground Sponsor an Early Act First Knight Program at a Local School Josh the Otter – Literacy / Water Safety Program Stop Hunger Now Snack Pack Program All of the activities of The Rotary Foundation must be related to the mission of the Foundation as approved by the Council on Legislation. This slide shows the types of projects that can be undertaken with district grants. You could have an exchange of mixed professions in a vocational training team and send that team to another district. This mixed profession vocational training team would come under the purview of district grants, because it is not within the six areas of focus. Another possibility is to donate art supplies to assist a local youth after school program. This sort of activity would be funded by a district grant rather than a global grant for two reasons: while it would be in the area of focus by providing education, it would not qualify for a global grant because it is not an international project. And also because of the small level of funding that would be involved.

13 District Grant Eligibility Requirements
Club must: Read the District Grant Priorities Guidelines Choose a project and write up grant application. Be clear and concise. Meet submission date deadline of April 30 Match grant dollar for dollar Meet minimum per capita giving levels to the Foundation To be eligible for a district grant a club must be more than qualified. Submission deadlines must be met. Must be able to match dollar for dollar Must meet minimum giving levels to foundation.

14 District Grant Eligibility per Club
Per Capita Giving Level Grant Eligibility $50 - $100 $1,000 $100 - $175 $2,500 $175 or higher $5,000 Top 5 giving clubs Up to $5,000 more Note: Clubs cannot receive more than they have contributed. To encourage clubs giving to the Foundation and to increase the number of clubs participating in the district grant process the District leadership developed eligibility levels. Top 5 giving clubs based on combined score for the top 10 giving clubs and the top 10 per capita clubs is used to determine the top 5 giving clubs.

15 Rotary Year Schedule February 1, 2018 – District releases advertisement for District Grant applications April 30, 2018 – Deadline for District Grant applications from Clubs to District June 1, 2018 – Grant awards published by District August 1, 2018 – Targeted distribution of District Awards March 31, 2019 – Deadline for completion of District Grants and filing of final reports These are the significant dates for clubs in the District Grant process.

16 These are the significant dates for clubs in the District Grant process. 16

17 These are the significant dates for clubs in the District Grant process. 17

18 These are the significant dates for clubs in the District Grant process. 18

19 District Grant Reporting Requirements
Club must: Spend the money only AFTER receiving grant funds Provide a project report, including use of funds Provide receipts for expenditures Show the club match To be eligible for a district grant a club must be more than qualified. Submission deadlines must be met. Must be able to match dollar for dollar Must meet minimum giving levels to foundation. 19

20 Global Grants Grant Types
All of the grants of the Rotary Foundation will be delivered through three vehicles, Rotary Foundation District Grants, Rotary Foundation Global Grants and Packaged Grants.

21 Rotary Foundation Global Grants
Long-term projects Align with one or more Areas of focus Active Rotarian participation $30,000 minimum budget Sustainable and measurable outcomes International partnerships required for club and district-developed grants Adhere to Terms & Conditions of Grants Submitted online via RI website Rotary Foundation Global Grants focus on sustainable impacts with long-term effects that meet specific standards of quality and include Rotarian participation. Global Grants attempt to leverage global resources and expertise with strategic partners. Each Global Grant must support at least one area of focus. They will fund longer term projects that will have significant Rotarian participation. These will be the larger grants with sustainable outcomes and international partnership will be required for club- and district- developed Global Grants.

22 Rotary Foundation Global Grants
Areas of Focus-Related International safe drinking water, sanitation, and hygiene education project Send scholar abroad to enroll in water engineering degree program International malaria project to distribute bed nets and malaria treatments and provide malaria prevention education Send vocational training team abroad to participate in workshop and learn teaching methods to address adult illiteracy Moving on to global grants, and seeing some projects within the areas of focus, you can see the distinction between these grants and the activities funded by district grants. Here are some additional examples of possible global grants. While reviewing the examples of global grant activities it is helpful to keep in mind that global grants need to address an area of focus and emphasize sustainability and measurability in the project design. Provide a community with safe drinking water (borehole) and sanitation (toilet block), with hygiene education and a maintenance plan Send a scholar abroad to enroll in a water engineering or public health degree program Distribute insecticide treated bed nets, malaria treatments and provide instruction on the prevention of malaria in a malaria endemic region Send vocational training team abroad to participate in workshop and learn teaching methods to address illiteracy The first global grant was approved to support a dengue fever eradication project in Indonesia. The Rotary Clubs of Solo Kartini, Indonesia (D3400) and Westport, Connecticut, USA (D7980) will work together to install white ceramic tile on water storage tubs and train community members on how to interrupt the life cycle of mosquitoes, thereby reducing the rate of dengue infection. Here there we could send a scholar abroad to enroll in a water engineering degree program at a university in another country. Or we could fund an international malaria project to distribute bed nets and malaria treatments.

23 Global Grant 1411471 Zanmi Agrikol Family Assistance Program
Sponsored by the Rotary Club of Greenville

24 Global Grant 1412747 Santa Cruz Virginia, Honduras Water Project
Sponsored by the Rotary Club of Fort Mill

25 Promoting The Rotary Foundation in Your Club
To participate in the grant process, districts and clubs must be qualified by the Rotary Foundation. Districts qualified by RI Clubs qualified by District. Goal is to get every club qualified to increase participation in the grant process and ultimately increase giving to the Foundation.

26 There’s Only ONE Thing….
To participate in the grant process, districts and clubs must be qualified by the Rotary Foundation. Districts qualified by RI Clubs qualified by District. Goal is to get every club qualified to increase participation in the grant process and ultimately increase giving to the Foundation. 27

27 Join Leaders - Exchange Ideas - Take Action
The ONE Thing… TRF Grants support ONLY projects created and managed by Rotarians and Rotary Clubs Join Leaders - Exchange Ideas - Take Action A Means of Doing Good in the World Beyond Your Own Capacity To participate in the grant process, districts and clubs must be qualified by the Rotary Foundation. Districts qualified by RI Clubs qualified by District. Goal is to get every club qualified to increase participation in the grant process and ultimately increase giving to the Foundation. 29

28 Promoting The Rotary Foundation
Annual Fund-SHARE – Source of District and Global Grant funds PolioPlus – Designated to Polio Eradication BOTH count toward all donor recognition levels Area of Focus Designations Endowment Fund To participate in the grant process, districts and clubs must be qualified by the Rotary Foundation. Districts qualified by RI Clubs qualified by District. Goal is to get every club qualified to increase participation in the grant process and ultimately increase giving to the Foundation. 30

29 Club Challenge (AF) $175 per capita (based on 7/1/17 membership) If below $100 per capita, close the gap by half If above $175 per capita, beat your best year of the past 5 by $1.00 To participate in the grant process, districts and clubs must be qualified by the Rotary Foundation. Districts qualified by RI Clubs qualified by District. Goal is to get every club qualified to increase participation in the grant process and ultimately increase giving to the Foundation. 31

30 TRF Donor Recognition Levels
Paul Harris Fellow Multiple Paul Harris Fellow Sustaining Member Paul Harris Society Major Donor Arch Klumpf Society To participate in the grant process, districts and clubs must be qualified by the Rotary Foundation. Districts qualified by RI Clubs qualified by District. Goal is to get every club qualified to increase participation in the grant process and ultimately increase giving to the Foundation. 32

31 TRF Donor Recognition Levels
Paul Harris Fellow -- $1,000+ Lifetime Contribution Multiple PHF – Awarded in $1,000 increments Sustaining Member -- $100/year minimum Paul Harris Society -- $1,000/year minimum Major Donor -- $10,000+ Lifetime Arch Klumpf Society -- $250,000+ Lifetime To participate in the grant process, districts and clubs must be qualified by the Rotary Foundation. Districts qualified by RI Clubs qualified by District. Goal is to get every club qualified to increase participation in the grant process and ultimately increase giving to the Foundation. 33

32 TRF Club Recognition Levels
100% Foundation Giving Club (was EREY) - Everyone > $25 & Per Capita > $100 100% Every Rotarian, Every Year/Sustaining Club - Everyone at least $100 100% Paul Harris Fellow – All members are Paul Harris Fellows (1 time) To participate in the grant process, districts and clubs must be qualified by the Rotary Foundation. Districts qualified by RI Clubs qualified by District. Goal is to get every club qualified to increase participation in the grant process and ultimately increase giving to the Foundation. 34

33 TRF Bequest Recognition Levels
Benefactor -- $1,000 minimum estate pledge Bequest Society -- $10,000 minimum estate pledge Most easily & effectively done through qualified plans (IRA, 401(k), etc.) To participate in the grant process, districts and clubs must be qualified by the Rotary Foundation. Districts qualified by RI Clubs qualified by District. Goal is to get every club qualified to increase participation in the grant process and ultimately increase giving to the Foundation. 37

34 Promoting Contributions
What’s Worked for You? The Foundation designed a simple process for districts to complete before applying for their first year’s district and global grants. It is anticipated that qualification will be renewable every three years. All clubs are encouraged to attend Global Grants training even if they are not participating in a global grant. Purpose is to increase understanding for the global grant process and to become familiar with District 7750’s participation in the global grants. Clubs who wish to participate in global grants will also need to be qualified by their districts. This will be a simple process. Each district would be required to meet a certain minimum standard in terms of agreement of the clubs to participate, training, district leaders, and having the established committees and processes in place to ensure the effective implementation of projects and activities of the Rotary Foundation.

35 Promoting Contributions
$100/year (Sustaining Member) on club invoice -- $25/quarter PHF Level Matches – Recognition Points 50/50 with member cash to next PHF Level “Challenge” Matches – another donor pledges matching $$, maybe PLUS Points “Points for Service” – Sweat Equity concept The Foundation designed a simple process for districts to complete before applying for their first year’s district and global grants. It is anticipated that qualification will be renewable every three years. All clubs are encouraged to attend Global Grants training even if they are not participating in a global grant. Purpose is to increase understanding for the global grant process and to become familiar with District 7750’s participation in the global grants. Clubs who wish to participate in global grants will also need to be qualified by their districts. This will be a simple process. Each district would be required to meet a certain minimum standard in terms of agreement of the clubs to participate, training, district leaders, and having the established committees and processes in place to ensure the effective implementation of projects and activities of the Rotary Foundation. 39

36 Promoting Contributions
Rotary Direct – makes it easy for members to contribute monthly (auto-pilot) Rotary Credit Card – “Cash back” to TRF Amazon Smile: ½% to TRF for every order The Foundation designed a simple process for districts to complete before applying for their first year’s district and global grants. It is anticipated that qualification will be renewable every three years. All clubs are encouraged to attend Global Grants training even if they are not participating in a global grant. Purpose is to increase understanding for the global grant process and to become familiar with District 7750’s participation in the global grants. Clubs who wish to participate in global grants will also need to be qualified by their districts. This will be a simple process. Each district would be required to meet a certain minimum standard in terms of agreement of the clubs to participate, training, district leaders, and having the established committees and processes in place to ensure the effective implementation of projects and activities of the Rotary Foundation. 40

37 Reports Available Online at My Rotary
Club Fundraising Analysis Club Recognition Summary PolioPlus Report D-7750 Summary (Rainbow Report) on President’s Library Page of The Foundation designed a simple process for districts to complete before applying for their first year’s district and global grants. It is anticipated that qualification will be renewable every three years. All clubs are encouraged to attend Global Grants training even if they are not participating in a global grant. Purpose is to increase understanding for the global grant process and to become familiar with District 7750’s participation in the global grants. Clubs who wish to participate in global grants will also need to be qualified by their districts. This will be a simple process. Each district would be required to meet a certain minimum standard in terms of agreement of the clubs to participate, training, district leaders, and having the established committees and processes in place to ensure the effective implementation of projects and activities of the Rotary Foundation. 41

38 Remitting Contributions
Use DACdb Club Report 2.1 The Rotary FOUNDATION Transmittal (TRF) – Ready-made transmittal in Excel Separate Transmittals for AF-Share and PolioPlus Includes all member names and IDs, plus mailing instructions The Foundation designed a simple process for districts to complete before applying for their first year’s district and global grants. It is anticipated that qualification will be renewable every three years. All clubs are encouraged to attend Global Grants training even if they are not participating in a global grant. Purpose is to increase understanding for the global grant process and to become familiar with District 7750’s participation in the global grants. Clubs who wish to participate in global grants will also need to be qualified by their districts. This will be a simple process. Each district would be required to meet a certain minimum standard in terms of agreement of the clubs to participate, training, district leaders, and having the established committees and processes in place to ensure the effective implementation of projects and activities of the Rotary Foundation. 42

39 Remitting Contributions
The Foundation designed a simple process for districts to complete before applying for their first year’s district and global grants. It is anticipated that qualification will be renewable every three years. All clubs are encouraged to attend Global Grants training even if they are not participating in a global grant. Purpose is to increase understanding for the global grant process and to become familiar with District 7750’s participation in the global grants. Clubs who wish to participate in global grants will also need to be qualified by their districts. This will be a simple process. Each district would be required to meet a certain minimum standard in terms of agreement of the clubs to participate, training, district leaders, and having the established committees and processes in place to ensure the effective implementation of projects and activities of the Rotary Foundation. 43

40 District 7750 Grants & The Rotary Foundation 2017-2018


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