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Physics Class Standard:

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1 Physics Class Standard: Determine the conditions required for an object to remain in equilibrium. Daily Agenda Inertia, friction, mass, weight take notes and and complete the concept questions page41, #9-20 Mass to weight and inertia concept development pages. Homework: Question of the day A car is crushed into a cube. Which of the following changes? mass volume weight inertia Learning Target I can analyze a system and determine the forces acting on an object.

2 Honors Physical Science Class 8-19-2014
Daily Agenda Standard: SCSh5. Students will demonstrate the computation and estimation skills necessary for analyzing data and developing reasonable scientific explanations. Collect remaining Science Fair topics and safety projects Distribute textbooks Check Scientific notation Do Significant figures rules and practice. Homework: Complete the Study Guide for the test Friday on Scientific method and calculations Question of The Day Which value is equivalent to 5x10^6 ? 5000 500000 Learning Target I can make metric calculations using the correct number of significant figures.

3 Honors Physics Class 8-19-2014
Standard: Determine the conditions required for an object to remain in equilibrium. Daily Agenda Review the concept questions page41, #9-20 notes Mass to weight and inertia concept development pages. Homework: Complete the concept development pages Question of the day A car is crushed into a cube. Which of the following changes? mass volume weight inertia Learning Target I can analyze a system and determine the forces acting on an object.

4 Honors Human Anatomy and Physiology 8-19-2014
Daily Agenda Standard: SAP1a Apply correct terminology when explaining the orientation of body parts and regions. Check Homework Study Guide for the Test Homework: Study for test next Friday, August 22,2014 Question of the day The body region containing the heart is a. Epigastric b. Umbilical c. Left hypochondriac d. Right hypochondriac Learning Target I can identify the body landmarks and use them to describe the location of a homeostatic imbalance using correct terminology.

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