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The Aviator.

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Presentation on theme: "The Aviator."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Aviator

2 Obsessive Compulsive Disorder OCD
Characterized by unwanted, repetitive, thoughts and actions

3 Two Major Symptoms

4 Obsessions – repetitive thoughts you can’t get out of your head

5 Compulsions/Rituals – repetitive actions you must engage in to attempt to get rid of the obsessions

6 A good thing? Obsessive-compulsive tendencies are not necessarily a bad thing and can even be helpful

7 For example, good athletes are obsessed with practicing and good students are obsessed with studying – both can have very positive results (winning and doing well in school)

8 When does it become a problem?
However, obsessions can take control of some people and this is when it becomes OCD

9 It becomes a problem when it causes you unnecessary anxiety and begins to interfere with your daily life/routines

10 Common Obsessions Fear of germs and contamination
Fear of something terrible happening (fire, death, etc.)

11 Symmetry, order, or exactness (bothers you very much if things aren’t exactly as you feel they should be) Constant Doubts – “Did I lock the door, turn off the stove, etc.”

12 Common Compulsions Excessive hand washing, bathing, tooth brushing, or grooming

13 Repeating rituals (in/out of a door, up/down from a chair, etc.)
“Checking and rechecking” – doors, locks, appliances, car brake, homework – may have to check something 10 or more times

14 A Daily Disruption Some OCD patterns can lead to rituals that take hours May take hours to shower and dress each morning because of hundreds of required steps that must be precisely followed

15 Is there any help? OCD is very treatable with medication and/or therapy

16 Unfortunately many feel too embarrassed and don’t seek treatment
Those who do not may live stuck with their obsessive thoughts and behaviors for years and suffer unnecessarily

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