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Toronto North Local Immigration Partnership 16 th National Metropolis Conference Gatineau, Quebec March 12-15 Building Organic Collaborations: LIP Support.

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Presentation on theme: "Toronto North Local Immigration Partnership 16 th National Metropolis Conference Gatineau, Quebec March 12-15 Building Organic Collaborations: LIP Support."— Presentation transcript:

1 Toronto North Local Immigration Partnership 16 th National Metropolis Conference Gatineau, Quebec March 12-15 Building Organic Collaborations: LIP Support in Toronto 16 th National Metropolis Conference March 13, 2014


3 Multi-sectoral planning tables Bring a cross-section of stakeholders together Identify ways in which to support settlement and integration of immigrants Local communities LOCAL IMMIGRATION PARTNERSHIP: OVERVIEW

4 Establish Partnership Council Create Terms of Reference Conduct research and establish a local settlement strategy Develop an annual action plan Implement the action plan LIP PROCESS


6 LANDSCAPE IN TORONTO 2009-2012: 15 neighbourhood LIPs + 1 City-wide 2012-current: 4 quadrant LIPs + 1 Toronto Newcomer Office

7 Core values: Focus on communities Consider vulnerability Continue research and consultation Balance the focus Reinforce the work with others Be inclusive Key activities: Research Outreach Knowledge exchange Planning Focus on: Process Partner engagement RELATIONSHIP FACILITATOR: KEY ROLE OF LIP

8 What offers families with children aged 0-6 w/ one day and location for full-circle check-in of childrens health. Why 70 % of brain development occurs before the age of 5 Lack of access to/ service gaps in early child check-up services by vulnerable families. Outcomes Screening: Developmental or other health issues identified in approx. 3 out of 20 cases. EXAMPLE: EARLY IDENTIFICATION CLINIC

9 LIP Support for Collaboration: Expanding model to other communities/sub- populations Building awareness of gaps in health system for vulnerable groups Sustainability EXAMPLE: EARLY IDENTIFICATION CLINIC-CONTD

10 Success Factors: Support of champions Focus on common goal Focus on common target group Complementary services Backbone organization as facilitator Challenges: Turn-over Collaboration Fatigue Time-consuming/labour-intensive Backbone organization as driver EXAMPLE: EARLY IDENTIFICATION CLINIC-CONTD

11 Citizenship Test Preparation Course project Nations Newcomers Hub Community-based Professional Immigrant Network Newcomer Hiring Fair Faith & Welcoming Communities forum OTHER EXAMPLES OF LIP-SUPPORTED COLLABORATIONS

12 - Assistive, means to an end - - Use highly depends on context - - Adaptation is difficult in collaborative work without sustained resources for maintenance HOW HAS TECHNOLOGY SUPPORTED COLLABORATIONS?

13 Thank you! TNLIP Please visit: QUESTIONS?

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