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Nat. Rev. Rheumatol. doi: /nrrheum

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1 Nat. Rev. Rheumatol. doi:10.1038/nrrheum.2017.68
Figure 2 Timeline: the evolution of our understanding of polyarteritis nodosa Figure 2 | Timeline: the evolution of our understanding of polyarteritis nodosa. The description and understanding of polyarteritis nodosa (PAN) has developed over time. The term periarteritis nodosa was first used in 1866 by Kussmaul and Maier to describe conditions involving necrotis vasculitic lesions. Wegener granulomatosis (WG, later renamed granulomatosis with polyangiitis (GPA)) was initially defined in However, it took a few decades for the association of the vasculitis with antinuclear cytoplasmic antibodies (ANCAs) to be discovered, and hence for the ANCA-associated vasculitides (GPA, eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis (EGPA) and microscopic polyangiitis (MPA)) to be clearly defined. The association of hepatitis B virus (HBV) with necrotizing vasculitis was another breakthrough. Paediatricians have been increasingly active in the vasculitis field in the past ∼20 years. In the past 5 years, monogenetic diseases that might lead to necrotizing vasculitis (such as deficiency of ADA2 (DADA2)) have emerged. CHCC, Chapel Hill Consensus Conference; FMF, familial Mediterranean fever. Ozen, S. (2017) The changing face of polyarteritis nodosa and necrotizing vasculitis Nat. Rev. Rheumatol. doi: /nrrheum

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