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Animal study 91601 Internal – 4 credits.

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1 Animal study 91601 Internal – 4 credits

2 Monday 12 March Overview of Animal study
SLO: Use existing scientific ideas to develop a ‘background’ on the organism being investigated (crabs). Recapping behaviour and adaptive advantages. Develop a hypothesis based on current scientific understanding. Re-cap behaviour /environmental stressors Steps in carrying out a scientific investigation – overview, hypothesis and null hypothesis (slides 1-8) Homework: Start developing ideas for your experiment/Start developing your hypothesis.

3 Wednesday 14 March Writing valid and repeatable methods
SLO: Establish a valid range for the independent and a valid measurement for the dependent variable. Clearly stipulate how other variables will be controlled, allowing for sampling bias and sources of error. Re-cap variables. Examples/how to… Crab experiments – work out which variables are dependent/independent, which need to be controlled. What is ‘sampling bias’? What are ‘sources of error’ and how can each of these be controlled. Homework: Start developing ideas for your experiment/Start developing your hypothesis.

4 Thursday 15 March Statistical analysis
SLO: Use statistical analysis to evaluate the reliability of the data. Why use statistical tests in biological investigations? The Chi-square test. Use tables and graphs to summarise data and reveal trends (or absence thereof). Evaluate graphs and make inferences about reliability. Writing own method.

5 Friday 16 March Planning investigations
Overview of what needs to be done before leaving for the field trip/ milestones. Develop and work on idea for investigation, hypothesis (milestone 1), and initial method (milestone 2). Complete milestone 1 and 2 by end of lesson and get signed off in logbook. Homework: Finish anything incomplete before field trip.

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