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“India under the British”

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1 “India under the British”
11/20/13 “India under the British” Imagine you are an Indian living under British rule. How have the British affected your way of life? How do you feel about the British being in charge? On desk: India reading packet & questions 1 – 4

2 11/20/13 World History Agenda Finish religions presentations What was British colonialism in India like? (class notes) HW: p. 359 – 360, #5 – 8 **Honors essays due today

3 Religions Presentations
Christianity Buddhism Unitarianism Judaism Hinduism Sikhism Islam

4 Imagine you are an Indian living under British rule.
How have the British affected your way of life? How do you feel about the British being in charge?

5 Indian soldiers working for the British government
11/20/13 Vocabulary Sepoys: Indian soldiers working for the British government Textiles: cloth and clothing

6 ability of people to take care of themselves, without help from others
11/20/13 Vocabulary self-sufficiency: ability of people to take care of themselves, without help from others Example: Tim and Jane are self-sufficient because they know how to grow their own food.

7 11/20/13 Vocabulary Cash crops: crop produced for it’s profit, rather than for use or consumption by the grower Example: The British made Indians grow cash crops, like cotton, to be sold in Great Britain; not the rice, corn, and wheat Indians were growing before.

8 British East India Company is leading power in India from 1757 – 1858
1. What company had control over India and how long did they have this control? How much did the British government interfere with this company’s control of India during this time? British East India Company wins decisive battle to control most of India British East India Company is leading power in India from 1757 – 1858 British East India Company is a private company; it is NOT the British govt. British govt. had little control and few regulations in India during this time.

9 Tea, indigo, coffee, cotton, jute, & opium
2. What are 2 economic reasons why Britain considered India the “jewel” in its “crown” of colonies? Industrial revolution in Britain needed India’s raw materials for economic production Tea, indigo, coffee, cotton, jute, & opium India’s population in 1700’s: 300 million people 300 million people = more people to buy British products

10 Loss of ability of Indians to take care of themselves
3. How did the British restrict India’s economy? British forced Indians to produce raw materials/grow cash crops instead of growing food Loss of ability of Indians to take care of themselves Reduced food production = famines Forced Indians to buy British-made products instead of Indian-made Indian industries (textiles) put out of business

11 British built 3rd-largest railroad system in the world in India
4. How did British colonization of India positively affect India? British built 3rd-largest railroad system in the world in India This brought together different regions of India. Built roads, telegraph/telephone lines, dams, bridges, irrigation canals, etc. This helped bring India into the 19th & 20th centuries economically Sanitation, public health, schools & colleges. Literacy rates & overall health improved Ended fighting among small local rulers & criminals

12 Exit Ticket What is your homework? HW: p. 359 – 360, #5 – 8 **Honors essays due today

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