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Literary analysis: till we have faces

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1 Literary analysis: till we have faces
A Starting Point

2 What is a literary analysis essay?
Writing that focuses on a certain motif or theme of a piece of literature (could focus on entire work) An evaluation of the aspects that prove your overriding idea (thesis) Relies of a thorough evaluation of the text to show, concretely, that argument is accurate

3 Thoughts on Till We Have Faces motifs
Love Christ Figure What kind of love do you want to focus on specifically? What have you noticed about this type of love? Has it negatively or positively affected a character(s)? How has it impacted the plot? What lesson might Lewis want to convey about this type of love? This is NOT a definition essay. The essay will not be just a list of traits one character displays. References/quotes from Professor “Christ figure” and/or from the Bible are necessary since this is the list of qualifications you are using. How has the Christ figure impacted the characters or the plot? What could Lewis want to teach audiences by using the Christ figure?

4 Thoughts on Till We Have Faces motifs
Fear Transformation of a Character Which character(s) do you want to focus on specifically? What have you noticed about the impact of this emotion? Has it negatively affected a character(s)? Has it greatly impacted the plot? What lesson might Lewis want to convey about fear? Which character(s) do you want to focus on specifically? What have you noticed about this character’s change? Has it negatively affected a character(s)? Has it greatly impacted the plot? What lesson might Lewis want to convey about characters/people who do or do not change/adapt? One transformation to consider: Orual’s transformation from Ungit to Psyche. What is Lewis’s point about this rebirth? How does it correlate to his beliefs?

5 Thoughts on Till We Have Faces motifs
Logic/Reason vs. Faith Transformation of ancient text Which character(s) represent each concept? How does each represent the concept? Are they acting as character foils? What role does each character serve in terms of plot or influence on other characters? What lesson might Lewis want to convey about those who rely on logic? Faith? What aspects of the myth have been updated? What have you noticed about these changes? Are they integral to the plot? What would change in the updated story if transformations were not present? How does Lewis weave certain parts of the myth (like the tasks) into the novel and how do these parts enhance his themes or the plot? Ultimately, why does Lewis use this specific ancient text? Why use classical myth as a starting point at all? What impact does this have on the reader’s understanding of themes?

6 Thoughts on Till We Have Faces motifs
The significance of the characters surrounding Orual Parallels between Orual and Lewis in their spiritual journeys What concepts/types do other characters represent in the novel? What is their impact on Orual’s development throughout the novel? What message might Lewis be trying to convey about the different “types” the potential believer encounters on his journey? What conclusions does he seem to draw about those types? Break down the stages Orual’s journey from fearful belief to resentment to negligence to redemption and understanding. Research Lewis’s life and his own spiritual journey. Identify parallels between the stages of their development. How does Lewis use Orual’s story not only to parallel his own, but to deliver a spiritual message to others?

7 Thoughts on Till We Have Faces motifs
Dreams in the Novel Dreams are used several times in the novel. What is the content of each dream? Under what circumstances does each dream occur? What do the dreams reveal about the dreamer? Mental state? Fears? How does the use of dreams in the novel help to enhance themes?

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