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Meaningful Sentences Unit 16

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1 Meaningful Sentences Unit 16
MINISTER (Latin) – to tend, minister or manage ARCH (Greek) – ruler; to be first or begin

2 administer- v. Reg./Pre-AP
to give to; to apply For example: When the surgeon administered the treatment to revive the patient… Remember – MINISTER means to tend, minister or manage.

3 minister- v. Reg./Pre-AP
to care of; to tend For example: The emergency task force ministered to the needs of the flood victims by… Remember – MINISTER means to tend, minister or manage.

4 dating back to a much earlier time; ancient
archaic- adj Reg./Pre-AP dating back to a much earlier time; ancient For example: Sandra argued that the tax laws were archaic and needed to be… Remember – ARCH means ruler; to be first or begin.

5 lack of order or control
anarchy- n Reg./Pre-AP lack of order or control For example: In order to prevent total anarchy downtown, the city council… Remember – ARCH means ruler; to be first or begin.

6 matriarch- n. Reg./Pre-AP
female head of a family For example: As the matriarch of the family, Maria was responsible for… Remember – ARCH means ruler; to be first or begin.

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