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The Broken Mirror and the Burning Scroll

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1 The Broken Mirror and the Burning Scroll
When men reject God’s Word The Broken Mirror and the Burning Scroll James 1:22-25 Refusing to look into God’s word is like breaking a mirror because we don’t like the way we look in it. Both actions have negative consequences. We must not refuse to look into God’s word by ignoring it, neglecting to study it, failing to apply it or being unwilling to share it.

2 The Consequences of Refusing God’s Word
Jehoiakim burned the message from Jeremiah (Jeremiah 36:23, 6-7) Burning the scroll only made things worse for Jehoiakim (Jeremiah 36:30-31) Refusing to look at God’s word will only make things worse for us as well (Prov. 28:9; Matt. 7:24-27)

3 How We May be Refusing God’s Word Today
Ignoring it (2 Timothy 3:15) Failing to make it central to our lives (Psalm 119:97, 47-48; ) Refusing to examine ourselves by it (Matthew 5; Romans 14; Peter 3:9; James 1:25-26) Neglecting to share it (Jeremiah 20:8-9)

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