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Docking footprint of PG90 TCR on CD1b-PG.

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1 Docking footprint of PG90 TCR on CD1b-PG.
Docking footprint of PG90 TCR on CD1b-PG. (A) Footprint of PG90 CDR loops on CD1b. CD1b is represented as a white surface, with PG represented as spheres. Points of contact with TCR CDRs shown in the indicated color. Contacts between (B) CDR1α (teal), (C) CDR2α (green), (D) CDR3α (purple), (E) CDR1β (red) and CDR2β (orange), and (F) CDR3β (yellow) and CD1b are highlighted. Hydrogen bonds and salt bridges are represented as red and black dashes, respectively. Amino acid residues are represented as sticks, with the exception of glycine residues, which are represented as spheres. The spheres in (B) and (F) represent the Cα atoms of the glycine residues. No side chain is represented for residue Glu68 (*) because of the lack of electron density. Adam Shahine et al. Sci. Immunol. 2017;2:eaao1384 Copyright © 2017 The Authors, some rights reserved; exclusive licensee American Association for the Advancement of Science. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. Distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 (CC BY).

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