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Presentation on theme: "Measurement."— Presentation transcript:

1 Measurement

2 Measurement Draw 6 lines of varying length on your piece of paper without using a ruler. (Space out the lines on your paper to give you room to write under each line) Find the measurement of each line to the nearest: Inch ½ inch ¼ inch 1/8 inch

3 Measurement Now draw a line of any length on your paper without using your ruler. This is your original line. Make a vertical mark on your line to divide your 1 line into 2 lines. Measure each of your 2 lines to the nearest 1/8 inch. Using the rules for Fraction Addition, add these two amounts together and write it down. Now measure the entire length of your original line to the nearest 1/8 inch. Is this amount the same as in #4?

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