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National Oil-equipment Manufacturers and Delegates Society

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1 National Oil-equipment Manufacturers and Delegates Society
NOMADS National Oil-equipment Manufacturers and Delegates Society P. O. Box 857, Crosby, Texas 77532 Website address: Application Date: ________________ Birth Date: ___/___/___ Full Name: _________________________________ Company __________________________________ Title ______________________________________ Business Address _________________________________ City/State/Zip___________________________________________ Business Address:___________________________________ Business Phone ____________________________ Mobile Phone ______________________________ Home Address: __________________________ Personal Address ___________________________________ Home Telephone No. _________________ Spouse’s Name: (if applicable) : ______________________________ Education/University: _______________________________________ Hobbies:_________________________________________________ How did you hear about Nomads?____________________________ Signature of Applicant: _____________________________________ Authorization to charge credit card for quarterly assessments and annual dues. Credit cards accepted MC { } Visa { } Discover { } AMEX { } No. ___________________________________Exp Date ________ Signature ______________________________________ To be completed by current NOMADS member: Member Sponsor __________________________________ Member Company ________________________________________ Member Signature: ________________________________________ NOMADS Is a non-profit organization founded in 1938 to: Foster a better understanding and spirit of cooperation between oil field equipment manufacturers and service & production companies and foreign industry employees and government officials in the major oil and gas producing regions around the world. Provide a network for members to share their knowledge and national & international business experiences. Assist international industry visitors when they visit the US Promote the sale of oil and gas equipment and services to markets worldwide. How can I become a member? Membership is offered to individuals on a limited basis. Members must represent the business interest of an energy-related production, manufacturing or distributor of oil field equipment as well as related areas of marketing, communications and operations. To be considered for membership An applicant must have one NOMADS member as a sponsor, attend regular meetings and/or participate in NOMADS events prior to being eligible for consideration as a member. Regular members possess exclusive voting and property rights of the chapter and must be a US citizen or non-US citizen who is a permanent resident of the US. Quarterly assessments are $90.00, which includes the regular monthly dinner meetings. There is an annual dues charge of $35.00 which helps to cover speaker and international guest expenses. Where does the Houston Chapter of NOMADS meet? Monthly meetings are held at the HESS Club which include a cocktail and dinner while enjoying a presentation from a speaker. Historically, these speakers have been officers of oil companies, drilling contractors, oil service companies and federal & state legislators. Special events include the Inaugural Gala, the OTC International Reception, the Annual Golf Tournament amongst other social events throughout the year. Guests are welcome at all functions except the Annual Business Meeting in December, which is members-only. How do I learn more? Ask ANY NOMADS Member, or reach us at:

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