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SAGE Lecture Spark [4/2/19] The Publisher of the Social Sciences.

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1 SAGE Lecture Spark [4/2/19] The Publisher of the Social Sciences

2 Trump Unallowed to Re-Open Arctic Waters Obama Closed to Drilling
“When OCSLA was passed by Congress, it made vast swaths of federal waters available to the Department of the Interior (DOI) to lease out to oil and gas companies.” “The League of Conservation Voters sued President Trump, claiming that he didn't have the power to re-open federal waters that had been taken off limits without approval from Congress.”

3 How Killing Obamacare Could Backfire for Trump
The president’s plans to “eliminate HIV in the U.S., contain the opioid crisis and lower the cost of prescription drugs” are reliant on ACA initiatives that are already in place. “The president last week abruptly shifted his position and signaled support for a federal judges ruling that the ACA in its entirety should be thrown out, despite objections.”

4 Trump Administration Dims Rule on Energy Efficient Lightbulbs
“At the very end of the Obama administration, the Department of Energy decided these specialty bulbs should also be subject to efficiency requirements under the 2007 law.” “As the expected court battle plays out, the Environmental Defense Fund is hoping retailers will take the lead and choose, on their own, to stock shelves only with energy efficient specialty bulbs.”

5 Trump Revokes Rule on Disclosing Civilian Casualties From Outside War Zones
“The revocation of the disclosure rule joins other steps Mr. Trump has taken since becoming president to dismantle constraints Mr. Obama had imposed on counterterrorism operations.” The continued use of drones as a tool rests not in reversing transparency, but in the public’s confidence in the tool’s use.

6 Key Concepts Obama Policy in the Trump Era
Despite President Obama leaving office over two years ago, President Trump’s administration still clashes with the policies he left behind. The media often depicts this as this “clash”—a struggle for President Trump where instead of being framed as making positive change, we see his policy increasingly juxtaposed with that of the past.

7 Assessment Writing: Regarding a specific policy: How do you feel about drilling for oil in the Arctic? Does it seem good or bad, and why? Debate: Should we compare current presidents to past ones? After all, aren’t they living in a different time and place? Discuss. Poll: Is it important for our government to have transparency? For example, should the government let us know what exactly it does and why? Yes, No, Unsure Short Answer: In a scenario where you would have to choose: Are issues of the environment or the Affordable Care Act more important to you? Current Events Quiz Currently, presidents are allowed to declare waters off-limits for oil drilling, but cannot: Trump has promised plans to do this, which depends on Affordable Care Act funding: Until recently, Trump did not consistently support: Due to Obama legislation, you may have seen more ____ on your store shelves in the last few years. Trump’s policy regarding drones reflects a lack of: Answers Reopen them Eradicate the Human Immunodeficiency Virus Throwing out the Affordable Care Act completely Transparency LED lightbulbs

8 President Donald Trump Again Embraces Full Repeal Of Obamacare Ahead Of 2020 Trump is again calling for a repeal of Obamacare while calling the GOP the party of health care, despite having no outlined play for replacing the existing health care law. Kelsey Snell and Alexi McCammond discuss.

9 Trump's pivot from Mueller report to Obamacare stuns many in GOP The Justice Department is deciding how much of the Mueller report the public will get to see. But the latest CBS News poll finds 77 percent of Americans want the special counsel's findings on Russian election interference to be made public. Now the president is pivoting from the Mueller report to health care, vowing to terminate Obamacare with or without the new divided Congress. Major Garrett reports.

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