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Government Spending Chapter 10 – Section 1

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1 Government Spending Chapter 10 – Section 1
In this section, you will learn that the role of the federal government has grown, making it a vital player in the economy. 5/26/2019

2 Pork Term used to describe a line-item budget expenditure that circumvents normal budget procedures Benefits a small number of people or businesses Taxpayers would not otherwise approve 5/26/2019

3 Public sector Part of economy made up of local, state, & federal government Relatively low prior to Great Depression Since then, attitudes have shifted & spending has increased sharply 5/26/2019

4 Spending since the 1930’s Two main causes for growth in spending
Major change in public opinion Massive government spending funded the U.S. involvement in World War II. Private sector- part of economy made up of private individuals & businesses 1a. This gave government a larger role in everyday economic affairs. 1b. This resulted in more people working, as factories converted to war production 5/26/2019

5 Two types of spending Goods & services
Ex. Tanks, planes, ships, office buildings, land for parks, capital goods for schools Also must hire people to work in its agencies and staff military Transfer payment – payment for which government receives neither goods nor services in return Ex. Social Security, unemployment compensation, welfare 5/26/2019

6 Grant-in Aid Transfer payment from one level of government to another that does not involve compensation Ex. Fed govt grants money to cover the major part of a cost (highways, building new schools, etc.) 5/26/2019

7 Impact of Government Spending
Affecting resource allocation Subsidies – govt payment to encourage or protect a certain economic activity Redistributing income Distribution of income – way in which the nation’s income is divided among families, individuals, or other groups Competing with the private sector Govt produces goods/services too (ex. public vs. private colleges, health care) Increasing the tax burden Govt provides more services…this increases the tax burden to us 2a. Increasing or decreasing transfer payments can directly affect the incomes of needy families who receive financial support from the government. 5/26/2019

8 Federal, State, & Local Government Expenditures
Section 2 In this section, you will learn that governments provide money for many services and programs. 5/26/2019

9 Federal budget Annual plan outlining proposed expenditures & anticipated revenues Very ambiguous! Fiscal year – 12-month financial planning period that may not coincide with the calendar year (starts 10/1) 2. Budget is a “rough” estimate of actual revenues & expenditures…i.e. the economy could suddenly slow down or speed up, affecting the amount of tax revenues collected…also unanticipated spending like 9/11 can affect budget too 5/26/2019

10 Establishing the Federal Budget
Office of Management & Budget (OMB) responsible for preparing budget President’s budget is only a request Congress can approve, modify, or disapprove it 5/26/2019

11 House of Representatives
Breaks down budget into 13 major expenditure categories assigned to a separate House subcommittee Appropriations bill- allows federal agencies to spend money for a specific purpose An approved bill is sent to entire House for a vote 5/26/2019

12 Senate Acts on budget after House approves it
Can approve it or draft its own version Both branches seek advice from Congressional Budget Office (CBO) Once they approve the budget, it is sent to President for signature (can veto) 5/26/2019

13 Budget deficit An excess of expenditures over revenues
Budget surplus- a positive balance after expenditures are subtracted from revenues 5/26/2019

14 Social Security Largest payment in federal budget
Payments to aged & disabled Americans Mandatory spending- spending authorized by law that continues w/o need for annual approvals by Congress 5/26/2019

15 National Defense 2nd largest category of spending (behind Soc Sec)
In late 1900’s it was the largest Includes military spending by Defense Department Discretionary spending – must receive authorization 5/26/2019

16 Medicare Health-care program available to all senior citizens regardless of income Began in 1966 Expenditures have risen dramatically in recent years as population has aged & cost of elderly care has risen 5/26/2019

17 Health Health-care services
Account for significant part of federal budget Medicaid – joint federal-state medical insurance program for low-income people 5/26/2019

18 Other expenditure categories
Net interest on debt Education Training Employment Social services Transportation Veterans’ benefits Natural resources & environment 5/26/2019

19 State Government Expenditures
Budget process Balanced budget amendment Intergovernmental expenditures Public welfare Insurance trust & retirement Higher education Other expenditures 1b. Under this provision, states often must cut spending when revenues drop 3. Payments take the form of cash assistance, payments for medical care, spending to maintain welfare institutions 4. State employees have an insurance & retirement fund which is invested by the state until the employees retire, become unemployed, or are injured on the job (teachers, legislators, highway workers, police) 5. Tuition that students pay covers only a portion of higher education expenses. States usually budget funds to pay the remainder of the cost. 6. corrections, utilities, hospitals, parks & rec, highways & road improvements 5/26/2019

20 Local government expenditures
Budget process Elementary & secondary education – largest item on their budget Utilities – electricity, water, sewerage, etc. Public safety & health – police and fire Other expenditures – highways, street repairs, snow removal Power to approve spending often rests with the mayor & city council. Local governments have primary responsibility for education. Accounts for more than 1/3 of all local govt spending (largest item in budget) Sewerage, electricity, natural gas, & water (approx. 10% of budget) Police force, fire dept Highways, roads, street repairs, snow removal 5/26/2019

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