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School and educational achievement

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1 School and educational achievement
All will be able to summarise four different ways in which schools can affect the achievement of their pupils Starter: Work on your own. You will have 10 seconds to look at the following set of images. For each person, write down as many adjectives as you can think of. You can be a little bit rude, but not offensive! Be prepared to share your ideas with the class.







8 Labelling You’ve just labeled these individuals.
Labeling means making judgments about others based on their appearance. In school, teachers label pupils and this can affect their educational achievement. Students take notes

9 Four ways through which schools can affect educational achievement of their pupils
Labelling of students by teachers Setting and streaming of pupils Peer group pressure and anti-school subculture School organisation and curriculum

10 Task 1 Work in a group of Read the information sheet. It is about one of the ways in which schools can affect educational achievement of their pupils. Make a presentation (poster) about it for the class. Your aim is to teach the rest of the class the meanings of important key concepts and how these can affect the educational achievement of pupils. Be prepared to present it to the class.

11 Task 2 Groups will present their presentations to the class.
Everyone else, take notes into your worksheet.

12 Labelling ‘Angel’ Trouble-maker Labelling means making judgements about others based on their appearance, manners, speech and clothing. Teachers label pupils as good, bright, misbehaving, silly,… This affects how teachers interact with the pupils – praise, telling off, more/less attention,... With time, pupils internalise the label, start to believe the label applied to them is true, which changes their behaviour accordingly. This process of internalising labels is called the self-fulfilling prophecy.

13 Setting and streaming X1 Y4 Setting and streaming means placing pupils in classes according to their ability. Setting means that a pupil can be in set 1 for Maths, but set 2 for English depending on their ability in those subjects. Streaming means placing pupils into top set for all lessons, e.g. X1, X4, Y1, etc... Pupils in lower sets can lose their self-esteem and give up on trying to learn. Teachers do not put enough effort into teaching the less able pupils which affects how well they do in exams.

14 Peer pressure and counter-school subculture
Some pupils reject the academic values of good behaviour, hard work and exam success and instead rebel through defiance of teachers and breaking the school rules through smoking, graffiti, vandalism and truancy. They form friendship groups, peer groups, with other pupils who are in the same position and together they form a counter-school subculture with values and norms which are opposed to mainstream school values. Through peer pressure they encourage each other to break the school rules.

15 School organisation and curriculum
A well organised school tends to have better results than a poorly organised school.

16 Exam question practice
Identify and explain one possible effect of streaming on pupils. (3 marks) Explain how school organisation could affect the achievement of its pupils. ( 3 marks) Explain how peer group pressure can affect the achievement of pupils.

17 Review The most important influence Rank the four ways through which schools can affect the educational achievements of their pupils into a diamond shape. Explain your choice. Two equally important influences The least important influence

18 Homework Revise for assessment One question will be on the family

19 Star of the week Shamilla Ali
For always working to the best of her ability, well done and keep up the great work.

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