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Vocab by: Tori Lanham.

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1 Vocab by: Tori Lanham

2 Blanch verb 1. make white or pale by extracting color; bleach.
2.(of a person) grow pale from shock, fear, or a similar emotion. 3.prepare (vegetables) for freezing or further cooking by immersing briefly in boiling water. Examples: The cold light blanched her face. Many people blanch at the suggestion. The very thought of going made him blanch.

3 Enrapture verb 1.give intense pleasure or joy to Examples:
Ruth was enraptured by the child who was sleeping in her arms so peacefully. He was surrounded by all that could enchant the eye and enrapture the imagination. There is little that does not enrapture them, if you tie them down to nothing, and let them try all.

4 Quiz 1. Is Blanch a noun or verb?
2. What gives intense pleasure or joy to? 3. Is it true that enrapture is a verb? 4. What is shock, fear, or a similar emotion?

5 Sources, n.d. Web. 12 Nov

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