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Jesse Trionfi Favorite Color: Green Favorite Food: Fruit

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Presentation on theme: "Jesse Trionfi Favorite Color: Green Favorite Food: Fruit"— Presentation transcript:

1 Jesse Trionfi Favorite Color: Green Favorite Food: Fruit
Favorite T.V. Show: Nip Tuck/Scrubs Favorite Season: Winter (Not Florida Winter) Favorite Book: The Perks of Being a Wall Flower Favorite Activity: Recycling Outdoor activities Favorite Person: My Parents Favorite Holiday: Halloween and St. Patrick’s Day Favorite Sport: Hockey

2 My Personal Number Museum
Birthday: Nov. 4th 1986 Age: 21 yrs. Height in Inches: 62” Time you were born: 8:32am Address Number: 3800 Favorite Number: 3 Shoe Size: 8 ½ Pairs of Shoes: 50+ Number of Credit hours this semester: 13

3 My Special Event On January 1, 2008 I had the pleasure of attending the Capital One Bowl, FLORIDA Vs. Michigan, in Orlando Florida. It was very exciting. My dad, my little brother, myself, my friend Melinda and her dad all rooted for good ol’ UF, while my dad’s brother and his girlfriend rooted for Michigan. We had such a great time, I would do it again in a heart beat.

4 *5 Things I Want My Class To Know About Me*
I am a Huge Tampa Bay Lightning Fan. I work over 20 hours a week. I am a very creative person. I am a huge Movie Buff. I love Outdoor Activities.

5 My Spring Semester Goals
Please write three goals you have for Spring Semester. Goals are things you want to happen this year. Goals are promises you make to yourself. You will be working towards these goals all year. 1. Learn new and interesting activities and programs with EME4401 2. Pass Marketing 3. Maintain a 3.5 GPA

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