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Locomotion Topic 14.

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Presentation on theme: "Locomotion Topic 14."— Presentation transcript:

1 Locomotion Topic 14

2 Locomotion Locomotion: the ability to move from place to place
Motile: able to move Sessile: unable to move

3 Advantages of Motility
Obtain food Migrate Find shelter Escape predators Mating

4 Exoskeleton Outside Made of CHITIN Shell does not grow
Animals must molt, remove old shell and grow new shell

5 Horseshoe Crab Molting

6 Endoskeleton Inside Made of bone and cartilage
Mammals, reptiles, amphibians, & birds

7 Cartilage Connective Tissue Soft and Flexible Found in: Ears Nose
Larynx Trachea Between Vertebrae

8 Joints Places where bones meet Types: Immovable Hinge Ball & Socket
Pivot Gliding


10 Ligaments- attach bone to bone
Tendons- attach muscle to bone

11 Skeletal Muscle Voluntary Attach to skeleton Work in pairs

12 Visceral Muscle Involuntary Lining of digestive tract & blood vessels
aka SMOOTH MUSCLE Involuntary Lining of digestive tract & blood vessels

13 Cardiac Muscle Involuntary Found in Heart ♥

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