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Welcome to science! Stand by your seat silently.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to science! Stand by your seat silently."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to science! Stand by your seat silently

2 Tuesday, September 13th 2011 Morning meeting Good morning Shilluks! Today is the 21st day of your sixth grade career. Yesterday, many of you had a great day and I hope to see that again. NWEA testing starts this week. This will give us a base line of where you are academically and we will be able to help you grow 2 years this school year! Today we are going to be doing our lab right away (I pinkie promised Willie). In order for this to work we have to move quickly so we can still cover today’s lesson. Are you ready to start this week off strong? Lets prepare to have a great day. Shillucks for life! Love, Mr. DiChiara

3 Find the beat

4 Weather and Erosion Science Unit 2 Today’s objective:
SWBAT distinguish between run-off and ground water.

5 Hydrosphere All the water on the planet is part of the hydrosphere.
Water moves around the planet through the water cycle. All of the water on the planet has been here since the Earth was formed.

6 Water Cycle Lab

7 Collection Water that is on the ground is known as collection.
Collection is the “puddle” phase of the water cycle.

8 Things to think about What happened to the water at it heated up?
The water rose from the beaker as ____________. The water collecting on the plastic wrap represents which phase of the water cycle? What happened as water collected on the plastic wrap? This is which phase of the water cycle? What happened to the water level as the water boiled? Use what you know about the water cycle to explain your findings in question 5.

9 Run-off Water that moves down a mountain or land into a stream which leads into a river and finally winds up in an ocean, lake or pond.

10 Ground Water Water that falls through cracks in the earth or seeps through rocks and gets trapped under ground. We can get to them with wells.

11 Storage (reservoirs) And body of standing water. Pond Lake Sea Ocean
Or stored water Ice Water that is stored can be easily evaporated. (moving water does not evaporate much)

12 Name:__________________ Date:___________
Ground Water Run-off Storage

13 Name:__________________ Date:___________

14 Quick Check Silently complete your quick check on today’s lesson.
Try your best! You have 10 minutes to complete this assignment.

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