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Mechanics 1 Axis and planes of the body

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1 Mechanics 1 Axis and planes of the body

2 Statics - associate with non moving systems
MECHANICS Study of Forces, and the motions produced by their actions Mechanics can be divided to 2 main areas Statics - associate with non moving systems

3 Dynamics - associate with moving systems
Kinetics kinematics

4 Kinetics Deals with forces causing movement in a system

5 Kinematics Motion of bodies (objects) and systems (groups of objects) without consideration of the forces that cause the motion. Mainly devided in to two parts, Osteokinematics Arthrokinematics

6 BIO MECHANICS Application of mechanics to the living human body

7 KINESIOLOGY Study of motion How does a person walk ?
How does a animal run ? How does a car accelerate / decelerate ?

8 CLINICAL KINESIOLOGY The purpose of studying clinical kinesiology is to understand the forces acting on the human body and to manipulate these forces in treatment procedures so that human performance may be improved and further injury may be prevented.

9 Osteokinematics Movements taking place at bones Voluntary
Ex shoulder flexion / extension Hip medial / lateral rotation

10 Arthrokinematics Movement taking place at the joint surfaces during osteokinematic movement Involuntary movements Main 3 types of movements Rolling Gliding Spinning

11 Analysis of Osteokinematic movements
Anatomical body position Standing erect Head, toes and palm of hands facing foreword Fingers extended

12 Planes and axis of the body
Three imaginary axes perpendicular to each other Intersecting each other at the center of gravity X axis Y axis Z axis

13 Planes of the body Three imaginary planes Also called cardinal planes
Frontal plane Sagittal plane Horizontal plane

14 Frontal plane Coronal plane / XY plane Parallel to frontal bone
Divide the body in to front and back Motions occur in this plane are Abduction and Adduction Occurs around the Z axis

15 Sagittal plane Mid saggital plane / YZ plane Vertical
Divides the body in to right and left sides Motion occur in this plane are, Flexion and Extension Occur around the X axis

16 Horizontal plane Horizontal plane / XZ plane
Divide the body in to upper and lower parts Movements occur are rotation Around the Y axis


18 What are the planes and axis for the following movements ?
A. shoulder abduction B. trunk flexion C. 1st metacarpo phalangeal joint flexion D. cervical rotation Frontal Saggital Transverse

19 FORCES Simple way of push(compression) or a pull (tension)
Forces acting in the human body, Gravity Muscles Externally applied resistances Friction Lead to 3 secondary consequences of Joint compression, distraction and pressure

20 Characteristics of a Force
Created by one object acting on another Vector quantity Characteristics of force Magnitude Direction Point of application 2 types of force that cause motion of the body INTERNAL Muscle contraction, ligaments, bone EXTERNAL Gravity, weight, friction

21 Think about a tug of war If both teams pulls in equal forces – Equilibrium If one team pulls harder the other slips – Unequal forces Ground to feet and feet to ground – Action reaction forces

22 Explain the forces acting on following examples
Person standing on ground Person hanging from a rope A man sitting on a chair A man pushing a wheel chair with a patient A man riding a motor cycle

23 Types of forces Linear forces Parallel forces Concurrent forces

24 Force Couple 2 forces acting in equal and opposite directions
Creates turning

25 Newton’s Laws of Motion
Law of Inertia: Body at rest tends to stay at rest; body in motion tends to stay in motion. Law of Acceleration: Acceleration of an object is dependent on the strength of the force applied to it. Law of Action–Reaction: For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

26 Forces acting in Angles


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