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Shanna Payne CIS115 October 29th, 2014

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Presentation on theme: "Shanna Payne CIS115 October 29th, 2014"— Presentation transcript:

1 Shanna Payne CIS115 October 29th, 2014
Emma Renee Shanna Payne CIS115 October 29th, 2014

2 Emma Renee Payne Born on November 1st 2010

3 Emma is the youngest of my kids

4 Emma is the BEST little Sister!!

5 Her Brother and sister agree!

6 Emma Loves to help Cook, Clean And Make Messes!!!

7 Ok…Well maybe just the Clean up part is her favorite!!!

8 On Most days… Emma is Silly, Helpful And Loving!

9 Emma's Happiness Scale! Morning Breakfast Lunch Snack 1 Snack 2 Dinner
Bedtime Excited 4 6 2 Silly 1 Happy Sleepy 5 Cranky Pants

10 Emma has competed our family from day one…
And I Just wanted to wish her a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

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