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Isomers C2.4 Organic Compounds.

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Presentation on theme: "Isomers C2.4 Organic Compounds."— Presentation transcript:

1 Isomers C2.4 Organic Compounds

2 What is an isomer? Molecules that have the same molecular formula but a different structure of atoms are called isomers. There are three main types: Chain isomers Positional isomers Functional group isomers

3 Chain isomers Chain isomers occur when the carbon chain of a molecule is arranged differently. For example:

4 Chain isomers Have a go at drawing and naming three chain isomers of C5H12

5 Positional isomers Positional isomerism occurs when the functional group remains the same, but is in a different position within the molecule. E.g This can also apply to alkenes where the position of the double bond changes.

6 Positional isomers Have a go at drawing and naming three positional isomers of C5H11Cl

7 Functional group isomers
In this type of isomerism, the atoms all stay the same, but they are rearranged so that the functional group changes. E.g. aldehyde ketone

8 Isomerism in Alkenes Alkenes can also undergo structural isomerism:
There can be branching within the molecules – Chain isomerism The position of double bond can change – Position isomerism

9 Knowledge check 1. Draw the four structural isomers of C4H9Cl and name them. 2. Draw the three isomers of C4H8 containing a C=C bond. 3. Draw the five structural isomers with the formula C6H14 and name them.

10 Knowledge check Try the isomers and nomenclature worksheet…

11 Past paper questions

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