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Political Geography #6 African Independence.

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1 Political Geography #6 African Independence

2 What do you do to break free?
Do Now Imagine you are the leader of a country being controlled by a more powerful country. What do you do to break free?

3 Agenda Do Now Notes (African Independence)
Book. Page 143. Stop at “Civil Wars in the Developing World” African Independence Map. Observe and Respond. Civil Wars in the Developing World. Respond to the questions. Pg Notes: African Political Instability. Stats about Africa.

4 Standard: APHG 4A.3: Evaluate the geopolitical forces that influence the contemporary political map.
Objective: SWBAT to analyze the influence of decolonization and the fall of the Soviet Union through creating informative maps.

5 Notebooks. Take them Out.

6 African Independence: Label Political Geography #6
African Independence: Label Political Geography #6. Notes done in Notebook. After WWII, European colonies began to seek independence. The process of gaining independence from colonizers is called decolonization.

7 Decolonization. Grab a book. Read on page STOP AT “Civil Wars in the Developing World” Answer the questions in your packet.

8 African Independence Map: Observe the map and respond to the questions in your packet.

9 Back to the Books! Read: Civil Wars in the Developing World. Respond to the questions. Pg

10 NOTES continued: Post-African Independence.
It was difficult to create political stability in Africa. Ethnic tensions, poverty, neocolonialism and inexperienced leadership made governing Africa difficult.

11 Exit Ticket Why did African colonies want to decolonize? When did the largest wave of African independences start? What were two negatives of independence? What are two positive aspects of independence?

12 African Post-Independence.
Video > Stats.

13 Posters! At least one representative picture of each topic. - Complete answers - At least 2 sentences per definition

14 I Stand For Freedom: Kwame Nkrumah. First President of Ghana.
“It is clear that we must find an African solution to our problems, and that this can only be found in African unity. Divided we are weak; united, Africa could become one of the greatest forces for good in the world.” “ Critics of African unity often refer to the wide differences in culture, language and ideas in various parts of Africa. This is true, but the essential fact remains that we are all Africans, and have a common interest in the independence of Africa.”

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