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Presentation on theme: "Independent Reading SUPPLIES: PENCIL & INDEPENDENT READING BOOK"— Presentation transcript:

Tardy Bell Challenge

2 Invitation to Compare & Contrast What do you notice?
“On Fifth Avenue that summer, construction was soon to begin on a new skyscraper, the Empire State Building. At Yankee Stadium in the Bronx, Babe Ruth prepared to hit his five hundredth home run. On Wall Street, stocks raced toward an all-time high.” -Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand (2014, Adapted for YA) Frequent use of prepositional phrases. Purpose: show relationship between nouns, orient the reader in time and space What are the similarities between this excerpt & our original mentor text? What are the differences between this excerpt & our original mentor text? L.7.1.a

3 Invitation to Compare & Contrast What do you notice?
“I just stood there on the free-throw line, in the shadow of that big orange sign above the scoreboard, clutching the basketball tight to my chest. Outside, a wild October wind whipped through town, rattling the windows high above the bleachers in the gym.” -Airball: My Life in Briefs by L.D. Harkrader (2008) “On Fifth Avenue that summer, construction was soon to begin on a new skyscraper, the Empire State Building. At Yankee Stadium in the Bronx, Babe Ruth prepared to hit his five hundredth home run. On Wall Street, stocks raced toward an all-time high.” -Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand (2014, Adapted for YA) Frequent use of prepositional phrases. Purpose: show relationship between nouns, orient the reader in time and space What are the similarities between this excerpt & our original mentor text? What are the differences between this excerpt & our original mentor text? L.7.1.a

4 Folders & Composition Books

5 Our criteria for Success...
At the end of today’s lesson, we will be able to determine the skills and strategies that we need to become good readers.

6 Keys to being a good reader…

7 Let me show you… Often times, we have the skills in our knowledge bank and we use them, but we do not know what each skill is called. Reading is an innate ability which means that readers read and they comprehend, but they do not always think about how they thought about what the text said. HOW MANY OF YOU REMEMBER THE RECIPROCAL READING PROCESS THAT YOU WERE TAUGHT IN THE SIXTH GRADE?

8 Let me show you… Reciprocal reading is the process of using four key comprehension strategies to attack text: summarizing, clarifying, asking questions, & making predictions. Every day when you read, you use these strategies without thinking about them, you have the skill and you use the skill, but you aren’t sitting with a text thinking about them. Listen as I read an excerpt from our text today, The Reading Brain As I read, listen for the strategies. What strategy did I use and where did I use them?

9 Let me show you… So, lets think aloud together, what strategies did you hear me use as I read and thought aloud? Okay, now that we can identify the strategies that we use to be good readers, how does these strategies affect how we attack and analyze text?

10 Let me show you… Did you notice that as I read, that many of the strategies I used are ones that you probably use daily when you read? Whether you are reading a social media post, a blog, a text book, or your independent reading text you are using these skills to comprehend what you are read. The difference today that I want you to notice is that we have to purposefully attack complex text with these strategies in order to comprehend them.

11 Active Engagement Task
Now you are going to have a try. You are going to continue reading the text, The Reading Brain by Thomas Oppong in your small groups using the reciprocal reading strategies. As I monitor your practice today, I am listening for each of you to use the strategies: summarizing, clarifying, asking questions, and predicting. I have chunked the text for you and I will be moving from group to group to follow your process.

12 Independent Practice Now that you have watched me and worked together, it is time for us to attack these skills independently. Don’t feel intimidated, I am here to support you. It is now time for our daily independent reading. As you read, I will conference with a few of you to see how effectively you are applying the strategies. After reading, I would like for you to debrief your experience in your writing journal. List the strategies that you used and describe the level of effectiveness each strategy had to your comprehension of the text. Finally, I want you to rate each strategy according to how effectively you believe you understand the strategy and use the strategy.

13 Let’s sum the day up… Today and everyday when you are reading, you can use these reading strategies to attack text. These simple skills are all that we need to begin on our journey to become good readers. As you leave the classroom today, I want you to think more purposefully about what it means to be a good reader and the strategies that you use to be a good reader. As you venture off into the day, I want you to look at everything that you read and think about the strategies that you used to comprehend what you read. So, whether it is a post on social media, a blog, a textbook, or instructions on playing a video game; what strategies did you use to understand what was being presented?

14 Get needed school supplies Bring back parent packets
Homework Get needed school supplies Bring back parent packets Read 30 minutes and practice using the reciprocal reading strategies

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