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St. Vincent de Paul Society Conference President Training

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1 St. Vincent de Paul Society Conference President Training
September 2015

2 Topics Essential Characteristics of the Society Servant Leadership
District Councils Working with the Pastor Financial and Legal Matters

3 Essential Characteristics of SVDP Society
Diverse Lay Society Spirit of youth Universal Society Catholic Opposed to Hoarding Minimal Expenses Sharing money, knowledge, time It is a lay Society, composed of men and women, young and old, sick and poor. It is a Society with a spirit of youth which gives it dynamism, enthusiasm, a generous acceptance of risk, a creative imagination and above all the faculty of adaptation. It is essentially a universal Society, which is one of the signs of the love of God and of His Grace. This universality should not be confused with uniformity. The Society remains one, even though its activities take many forms, which are not limited to the relief of material poverty. The Society is Catholic, open to ecumenism in the universal Church. It should bear witness to this in its apostolate of charity. The Society is traditionally poor. The spirit of poverty is opposed to all hoarding; administrative expenses should be reduced to a minimum. The spirit of poverty is also the spirit of sharing: sharing money, knowledge, available time and the comfort which emanates from personal contact.

4 Fundamental Principles of the Vincentian Apostolate
Two features sum up this apostolate: living in personal contact with those who suffer and living its spirit in common. Translated into: person-to-person contact; personal gift of the heart; diverse community of lay people In accordance with the needs of the modern world Attitude of sincerity, shared friendship and delicacy Two features sum up this apostolate: living in personal contact with those who suffer and living its spirit in common. These are translated into practice: by person-to-person contact; by a personal gift of the heart; by participation in a diverse community of lay people animated by the same vocation. These essential features should operate in accordance with the needs of the modern world. We must go very much beyond material add and seek dialogue with those who suffer, whatever their suffering may be, without any trace of paternalism but rather in an attitude of sincerity, shared friendship and delicacy. Every charitable work animated by such a spirit can be a work of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul.

5 Character of the Society
Vincentian family - those who help and those who are helped Importance of spiritual life Each president is at the same time a member of the next higher Council The members of St. Vincent de Paul appreciate that Christ identified Himself with the poor: "Whatever you did to the least of these my brethren, you did it to me." (Matt. 25,40.) Vincentian engagement is fully rooted in the Gospel message, permanent reference to which will, in clarifying our action through service, keep it from degenerating into activism or philanthropy. The concept of the Vincentian family embraces both those who help and those who are helped, leading to a sharing with the latter of the affection given to our own family. Fundamental importance is attached to the spiritual life. Presidents are elected at all levels. Each president is at the same time a member of the next higher Council.

6 Founders Words on the Poor
St Vincent de Paul “After the love of God, your principal concern must be to serve the poor with great gentleness and cordiality, sympathizing with them in their ailments and listening to their little complaints, for they look on you as people sent by God to help them. You are therefore intended to represent the goodness of God in the eyes of the poor.” St. Louise de Marillac “You must show the poor affection, serving them from the heart, inquiring of them what they need, speaking to them gently and compassionately, procuring necessary help for them without being too bothersome or too eager.”

7 Founders Words on the Poor (Cont’d)
Blessed Rosalie Rendu “See Christ in his poor and approach each one you visit with humility as his servant. Be kind and love, for love is your first gift to the poor. They will appreciate your kindness and your love more than all else you bring them.” Blessed Frederic Ozanam “Knowledge of the poor is gained by visiting the slums where they live, sitting by the bedside of the dying, feeling the cold they feel and learning from their lips the causes of their woes.”

8 The Rule of the Society Objectives and spirit of the original founders
Three Parts Rule of the International Confederation Statutes of the International Confederation Statutes of the National Council Every Conference and Council must comply National Council can suspend/exclude for non-compliance Developed to help preserve the objectives and spirit of the original founders Three Parts Rule of the International confederation Statutes of the International Confederation Statutes of the National Council of the United States Every Conference and Council is required to comply National Council can suspend or exclude for non-compliance Conference can lose 501(C)(3) and SVDP name

9 Statutes of the National Council of the United States
Conference structure and operations: Membership Types Active– count determines quorum – only ones to vote Associate – non-Catholic – no vote and cannot hold office Conferences and their work Conference meeting essentials Meeting frequency Aggregation Defines Conference structure and operations: Membership Types Active – count determines quorum – only ones to vote Associate – non-Catholic – no vote and cannot hold office Conferences and their work Conference meeting essentials Meeting frequency Aggregation

10 Statutes of the National Council of the United States (Cont’d)
Governance and Management Servant leadership Officers Special Projects Subsidiarity and Democracy Accountability Annual reviews and reports Property and funds Collections for the poor and to maintain the structures Use of funds Council President’s rights Relationships Governance and Management Servant leadership Officers – Selection process and Terms, Spiritual Advisor Special Projects Subsidiarity and Democracy Accountability Annual reviews, finance and activity reports Property and distribution of funds Collections for the poor and to maintain the structures Use of funds, refund of expenses Council President’s right to audit and see correspondence Relationship with civil society, work of Social Justice, political independence

11 Mission Statement – Essential Elements
A Catholic lay organization Inspired by Gospel Values…. Leads women and men to come together to grow Spiritually and in Friendship By offering person-to-person service Spirituality Friendship Service

12 Mission Statement – Essential Elements
A Catholic lay organization Inspired by Gospel Values…. Leads women and men to come together to grow Spiritually and in Friendship By offering person-to-person service Spirituality (Sanctity) Friendship (Solidarity) Service

13 SVDP Organization Conference District Council Diocesan Council Region
USA National Council Council General

14 SVDP Organization Individual Parish Conference District Council
Diocesan Council Region USA National Council Council General Individual Parish Conference Group Diocese 8 Regions St. Louis, MO Paris

15 The Conference Basic unit of the Society
Support members in mission to serve the Poor Officers serve members Person-to-person service Determines help and works No financial compensation to members Diverse membership The basic unit and essential grouping of the society Conference exists to support its members in their mission to serve the Poor Conference Officers serve the conference members Engages regularly in the person-to-person service of those in need Determines those helped and the works to be performed Services are provided without recompense to the members Members may be men, women or mixed; may be adults, youth or both

16 The Conference Cont’d May be established in a wide variety of social groups and settings Parish College or school Firm or company Special works Assist widows, divorced women and unmarried mothers Comfort the sick Consolations to the dying Bring Christ to the sick or homebound May be established in a wide variety of social groups and settings Parish College or school Firm or company Special works Assist widows, divorced women and unmarried mothers Comfort the sick Bring consolations of religion to the dying Bring Christ to the sick or homebound – conference of extra-ordinary ministers

17 The Conference Cont’d Size of Membership Too small – less than 5
Too large – 25 or more In USA Conferences average 22 members Name Typically the parish name Frequency of meetings – (Weekly, but at least twice a month) Cohesive community Frequent prayer Members to work and grow as a team Note: When conference applies for Aggregation, the application presumes that the conference meets weekly, and if not, an explanation must accompany the application. Size of Membership Too small – less than 5 – seriously restricts the functioning and scope Too large – 25 or more – militates against intimate involvement of members as problem solvers In USA Conferences average members Name A parish conference takes the name of the church to which it is attached Frequency of meetings – (Weekly, but at least twice a month) Helps form the conference as a cohesive community Frequent prayer in common contributes to conference vitality Enables members to work and grow as a team in resolving the individual and family difficulties brought to its attention Note: When conference applies for Aggregation, the application presumes that the conference meets weekly, and if not, an explanation must accompany the application.

18 The Conference is the Base
Raise money Recruit volunteers – consider diversity Caseworkers Create and manage special works Everything rests on the Conference: Raise money to fund the work Recruit volunteers based on the diversity of the community to do the work Caseworkers that call on the poor Create and manage special works with council approval Food Pantry Thrift store Housing (Shelter) Car programs Fund Raising Annual Rummage Sale Dining Room etc…

19 Conference Principles
Spirituality Servant Leadership Comply with Society Governance Documents

20 Governance of the Society
Governance of the Society is contained in the following documents: Rule By-laws Manuals Resolutions by councils (Nat’l, Diocesan, District) Policies and Procedures Vincentians at all levels are to ensure that the mission and conduct of the society stays true to the above directives

21 Conduct of Meetings Pray at beginning and end of meeting
Spirit of love, simplicity and Christian joy Essentially spiritual occasions Spiritual content: Pray at beginning and end of meeting Spiritual reading and a brief discussion Sacrificial contribution Meetings should be imbued with the spirit of love, simplicity and Christian joy Meetings are essentially spiritual occasions Spiritual content has several elements: Members pray together at the start and end of each meeting Spiritual reading or meditation and a brief exchange of views on same Sacrificial contribution involving meaningful self-denial is made through a secret collection taken up at every meeting – shows spirit of sharing – no fixed amount

22 Conduct of Meetings Cont’d
Meetings include: Report of member activities Assign new cases Group decisions Start and end in a timely manner Follow an agenda Meetings include: Report of members on the Vincentian activities Assignment of new cases Group consultations on actions taken or to be taken to assist those being helped Meetings should start and end in a timely manner (always accomplish the essential parts of a meeting) Meetings customarily follow an agenda

23 Conduct of Meetings Cont’d
Recommended Agenda: Call to order Roll call Opening prayer Spiritual reading and discussion Approval of Minutes Home visit reports President’s report Secretary’s report Treasurer’s report Read a segment of the Rule and discussion A Conference meeting Agenda includes the following components: A punctual call to order Roll call Opening prayer (which should always include a prayer to the Holy Spirit, the Lord’s Prayer, the Hail Mary and a prayer for those whose suffering they wish to share) Spiritual reading (or meditation, address) members comment as a means of sharing their faith Approval of Minutes of previous meeting Home visitation reports (resolve problems and learn from others experience) President’s report Secretary’s report (including correspondence received) Treasurer’ Report Read a segment of the Rule and discussion

24 Conduct of Meetings Cont’d
Recommended Agenda: (Cont’d) Secret collection Committee reports Membership reports Resolutions Special Works reports Old business New business Time and Place of next meeting Closing prayer Adjournment A Conference meeting Agenda includes the following components: (Cont’d) Secret collection Committee reports (if Committee exist) Membership reports (VP responsible for recruiting and reports members sick needing help and prayers) Resolutions (especially new member) Special Works reports (if any) Old business New business (only after old business) Time and Place of next meeting (include any Festival meetings and Conference Liturgies) Closing prayer Adjournment

25 Conduct of Meetings Cont’d
Roll call Not truancy Included in minutes Concern for members The greater the number of members the greater the value Are they sick or disappointed, need a ride, etc. Call to determine situation Let them know they are missed Find out when they will return If disappointed, identify the problem, see if it can be fixed Roll call at Conference Meeting Is not a truancy function Included in minutes or as attached roster to minutes Shows concern for members The greater the number of members the greater the value Identifies those not attending (are they sick or disappointed, need a ride etc.) Membership VP should call to determine situation Let them know they are missed – do they need a ride? Find out if and when they will return If disappointed, identify the problem, see if it can be fixed

26 Conference Meeting “Heart of all Society activity”
Fellowship, spirituality and organization Meeting tone Mini training sessions (such as Serving in Hope) “Fuel” for Conference activity Meeting Elements Regular Structure Preparation before meeting Meeting process After meeting actions

27 Conference Meeting (Cont’d)
Regular Structure Time and place Adopt the Agenda and educate Arrange meeting space Publish Minutes and Agenda Solicit Agenda items Preparation before the meeting Build Agenda Routine reports available Motions and reports Agenda for next meeting Community, Service and Spirituality Regular Structure Time and place Adopt the Agenda and educate Arrange meeting space Publish Minutes and Agenda Solicit Agenda items from members Preparation before the meeting Build Agenda with sense of priorities Routine reports available in advance All motions and reports to Secretary Agenda for next meeting in advance Build around Community, Service and Spirituality

28 Conference Meeting (Cont’d)
Meeting Process Start on time, stick to Agenda Use “Parking Lot” Defer ill-defined items Maintain focus Strive for consensus (vote when consensus not achieved) After Meeting Action Parking Lot items Capture action items Publish meeting minutes Describe what a parking lot is (not everyone knows the phrase): A bulletin board on which people place questions or notes which can be addressed later

29 Conference Meeting (Cont’d)
Election Procedures Only President is elected Election committee appointed Election can be held by special meeting for that purpose Vote of Active Members attending Secret ballot Term of office 3 year term (once renewable) Term starts on October 1 and ends September 30 Election Procedures Only President is elected by vote of active members, ~ September 1 Election committee appointed to identify at least 2 candidates - ~ July 1, ~ August 1 names of candidates presented to members Note: Election can be held by special meeting for that purpose, if necessary When election meeting is set only those active members that attend have a vote Vote must be done by secret ballot Term of office 3 year term - only two consecutive terms then out for one 3 year term - no automatic renewal election must be conducted Term starts on October 1 and ends September 30, if started mid-year, term starts on date of election and the first year ends the next Sep 30th

30 Other Officers Appointment Procedures President appoints officers
President can replace any officer Officers serve for term of President New President can reappoint same individuals Appointment Procedures President appoints officers (VP(s), Treasurer, Secretary) with concurrence of active members – must have valid reason to reject President’s selection President can replace any officer, if deemed necessary – again new person appointed is with concurrence of active members Officers serve only for term of President New President can reappoint same individuals, if desired

31 Conference Questions What is the attendance history?
Helpful Questions What is the attendance history? Do Officers and the Spiritual Advisor attend regularly? Is there meaningful Spiritual reflection? What is the meeting “tone”? Does the discussion have good participation? Does the discussion reflect that members are well informed? Are members respectful of each other? How have the meetings improved services? Have members been attending required training?

32 Membership Considerations
Recruiting Training/Formation Retention Participation

33 Conference Issues Many Conferences have similar issues Typical issues
Attracting/retaining new/diverse members Poor meeting attendance Not enough home visitors Fund raising Officer succession Meeting report schedules Aggregation What about your Conference?

34 Summary Pray together at the start and end of each meeting
Diverse Lay Society Importance of spiritual life Basic unit of the Society Meetings are spiritual occasions Pray together at the start and end of each meeting Spiritual reading and discussion Sacrificial contribution SVDP is a lay Society, composed of men and women, young and old, sick and poor. Fundamental importance is attached to the spiritual life. The Conference is the basic unit and essential grouping of the society Meetings are essentially spiritual occasions Members pray together at the start and end of each meeting Spiritual reading or meditation and a brief exchange of views on same Sacrificial contribution involving meaningful self-denial is made through a secret collection taken up at every meeting – shows spirit of sharing – no fixed amount

35 Summary Cont’d Frequency of meetings – (Weekly, but at least twice a month) Spirit of love, simplicity and Christian joy Follow an agenda Roll call shows concern for members Only Presidents are elected - by secret ballot Helpful questions should be asked after each meeting to ensure meetings are spiritually enhancing and productive Frequency of meetings – (Weekly, but at least twice a month) Meetings should be imbued with the spirit of love, simplicity and Christian joy Meetings customarily follow an agenda Roll call shows concern for members and provides for follow-up inquiry Only Presidents are elected and must be done by secret ballot Helpful questions should be asked after each meeting to ensure meetings are spiritually enhancing and productive

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