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Testing Tips and Review Game

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1 Testing Tips and Review Game

2 Fill in the appropriate information on your paper.
My Testing Room: Time to Report: 8:20 a.m. 3rd Block: Go to room 115 at 8:20 a.m. 4th Block: Go to room 126 at 8:20 a.m. Delaney Ware Emily Waltman Go to room 115. Morgan Tootle-Speaker Alyssa Smith

3 Eat well the night before and the morning of the test.
Breakfast in the school cafeteria is only 65 cents! Come see me if you need 65 cents! (Tomorrow only.)

4 Ask yourself: Who is this sentence about? What are they doing? Why?
When you read the same sentence or paragraph over and over and have no clue what you read: BREAK IT DOWN. Ask yourself: Who is this sentence about? What are they doing? Why? Your brain will then start to focus on the text as opposed to all of the other events in your life.

5 When you start to fall asleep. . .
Rub your ears. I’m not kidding. Studies show that rubbing your ears helps you wake up.

6 Do not spend too much time on any one question.
Scan the questions. Read the passage. Use SEE / POE. Remember to find the answer that actually answers the question (because they may all be true of the story). Go with your gut; usually your first instinct is correct. Then, move on to the next question.

7 If you start to feel nervous. . .
Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Think these words: “It is just a computer with some questions. All I have to do is click the best answer. I don’t have to be perfect. I just have to do my best.”


9 Review game: “Luck” by Mark Twain
Good “luck”  .

10 You will take a “test” with a team of people.
Review Game You will take a “test” with a team of people. You will choose your own teams.

11 Rules Your team may use a phone three (3) times to check for a word meaning. You must ask for permission to use a phone. Your teacher cannot help you. 3. Speak kindly to teammates and opponents. You must finish in the allotted time frame (60 minutes). Only one test is the official scorecard. You may use notebook paper for the essay portion.

12 Speak softly so that other teams do not over hear you.
Suggestions / Pro Tips Speak softly so that other teams do not over hear you. Beware of corporate theft. Ideas are stolen. Someone from another team may be walking around trying to glance at answers, so hide your answers.

13 Suggestions / pro Tips Use the testing strategy we have discussed previously. 1. Scan the questions. 2. Read the passage. 3. Use SEE / POE.

14 Prize Options Independently, if your team wins, you will choose one of the following: 20 pts Extra Credit added to the Extra Credit Column in the Gradebook OR Your favorite snack / candy bar and drink (to be delivered tomorrow) Everyone who plays earns 10 extra credit points to the extra credit column.

15 How to Earn Points Correct answers. Then there is an essay question.
There are 23 total answers. Each = 4 pts. Then there is an essay question. For this essay, since we will not likely have time to write a full essay, you should simply create a slam-dunk thesis statement and give two examples of evidence you would choose from the story. The evidence must be logically explained. Annotations. The points for annotations will vary on their accuracy / correctness / amount.

16 Your may divide and conquer
I will be projecting the essay question in just a few moments. After reading the text, you may have one or two people on your team working on the essay’s thesis statement and evidence while everyone else is working on the multiple choice questions.

17 Does luck have anything to do with success?
Essay Prompt Does luck have anything to do with success? Answer with one well-developed thesis statement that includes at least two key points (three key points will earn you extra points / the third key point must also have evidence). Write out at least two examples of quotes from the text that support your thesis statement. Extra evidence = extra points. All evidence must be explained logically. You can use bullet points. Remember to avoid: you, your, yours, I, me, my, we, us, ours, slang, get, and contractions.

18 On your team’s official score card:
Write your name. Beside your name, write what prize you would like in case your team wins. Example: Eliza Bishop – KitKat and red Gatorade

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