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1 Just for fun!

2 What’s good for ELL’s, is good for all!
Vocabulary Can Be Fun! What’s good for ELL’s, is good for all!

3 What am I learning today?
Listening and Speaking Objective: I can explain the routine for teaching unknown vocabulary words Use academic language: Explain, Academic Vocabulary, Instructional Routine Explain how to write a simple “I can…” statement at the beginning of the lesson so that students will know what is expected of them. Revisit the objective at the end of the lesson. Review the academic language that will be used during the lesson. This is a good time to make sure that they know one or two words that we use in the classroom everyday.

4 Write these words on your sticky notes:
Instructional Routine for Teaching Vocabulary Step 1- Introduce the words Write these words on your sticky notes: Tier 1 Words Tier 2 Words Academic Vocabulary The Intsructional Routine that I am teaching is 3 simple steps. There are many other experts who have ideas on how to teach vocabulary. Marzano, for example, has 6 steps in his routine. Step 1- Introduce the words orally. Tell how to pronounce each word and then have the students practice saying the word. If possible, students need to practice writing the word. Activity- Sticky Note Vocabulary. Explain how to create sticky note vocabulary words and definitions. Each table will have sticky notes and the definition page. Before activity begins, teachers will predict which definition the words will match. Discuss why this type of activity helps with critical thinking skills and helps students practice and use academic vocabulary. English Language Development Standards Tier 3 Words

5 Step 2- Explain in a student friendly way
English Language Development Standards- The 5 areas of language that represent the social, instructional, and academic language that students use with other students, teachers, and the curriculum in school. Social and Instructional Language The Language of Language Arts The Language of Mathematics The Language of Science The Language of Social Studies Step 2- Define the word in a student friendly way. Vocabulary is found across all content areas. When we teach vocabulary we need to keep in mind the function of the words we teach. Some words are cross-categorical and are what many people call “academic vocabulary. These words fall under Std 1- Social and Instructional Language. The Academic language in our objectives (explain, academic vocabulary, instructional routine) are examples of this Standard.

6 Step 2- Explain in a student friendly way
Academic Vocabulary- Language used in classrooms, textbooks, and on tests; it is used across all academic areas to teach content Share with teachers the list of Academic Words from Briefly discuss why these words are just as important (maybe more important) than content words.

7 Step 2- Explain in a student friendly way
Tier 1 Words- Basic, everyday words student learns on his own. Students use these words in everyday speech and rarely require instruction. Have teachers briefly discuss that they think a Tier I word would be for a typical student. Tier 1 words will have to be directly taught to students with a Proficiency level of 1 and 2, but rarely to levels 3-5. cat pencils

8 Step 2- Explain in a student friendly way
Tier 2 Words- Words that are used at school or by adults. These words often have more than one meaning and are not content specific. Refer to passage with highlighted Tier 2 words. Ask, “Why were these words chosen to teach? What other words could have been taught?” Explain how it is important to teach those words that have the most impact; words that they will probably encounter again. The link is to a website with student friendly definitions. A benevolent person is kind and generous A merchant buys and sells goods.

9 Step 2- Explain in a student friendly way
Tier 3 Words- Words that are content specific or technical and you do not see very often. Many science or social studies words are Tier 3. Magnetism These are the words that we usually teach. While important many of these words are used in isolated areas. Rural Revolutionary War

10 Step 3- Practice and Assess Tier 2 Examples
Johnny Harrington was a kind master who treated his servants fairly. He was also a successful wool merchant, and his business required that he travel often. In his absence, his servants would tend to the fields and cattle and maintain the upkeep of his mansion. They performed their duties happily, for they felt fortunate to have such a benevolent and trusting master. This is the handout that teachers have from slide 8. Step 3- Practice and Assess Once students know the words and definitions, they need to have time to practice the words in a concrete way. This should be done over several days and in written and oral form. The following slides are examples of how to practice the words. These activities can also be used as a formative and summative assessment.

11 Step 3- Practice and Assess Overheard Conversations
How can you sell that dress so cheap?? I am so lucky that I found $10.00 on the sidewalk! That was so kind of you. How long can you keep running so fast? Sentence Frame for response: ________ goes with _______ because ___________. In this activity, students will match the sentence with the word. They will use the sentence frame to tell why the word goes with the sentence they select. If this activity is done whole class, you can put this up on your SmartBoard and they can move the word to match the sentence. If it is done as part of a guided reading group, you can put the sentences and words on note cards. You can give each student a card and they have to find their partner card. fortunate maintain benevolent merchant

12 Step 3- Practice and Assess Yes / No - Why?
Can a merchant sell your teacher? A merchant can/cannot sell your teacher because ________. Can a teacher maintain a good attitude when the students are arguing? A teacher can/cannot maintain a good attitude when the students are arguing because ________. Are you a benevolent teacher? I am/am not a benevolent teacher because ______. Are you fortunate to be at best practices this morning? I am/am not fortunate to be at best practices this morning because ___________. This is a good activity for all levels of students. For students who are still developing English, they can usually answer the first part of the activity- yes or no, but might have difficulty answering the “why” part. They can have a partner answer the “why” part of the activity. This also makes a good “Think-Pair-Share” activity. These questions should be fun and unusual. The students need to be engaged so don’t write boring questions!!

13 Step 3- Practice and Assess Choices, Reasons, and Examples
Which of these things might be fortunate? Winning the lottery. Having the dentist pull your tooth. Eating a dozen doughnuts. If you were mean to your little brother, would you be benevolent? Why? What are some ways that you can show you a are benevolent? Choices This is a variation of the previous activity, but allows for a different kind of questioning. It also allows for more open ended responses. This type of activity helps students to build speaking and listening skills. This also makes a good assessment and writing activity. Reasons Examples

14 Step 3- Practice and Assess Word Pair Analysis
Same Opposite Go together No relation Merchant/ Seller Fortunate/ Unlucky Maintain/ Happen Benevolent/ Ruler This activity makes a great assessment tool after practicing the words for several days. It encourages higher level thinking skills because the students have to think about the word and how it is used, not just memorizing the definition.

15 Step 3- Practice and Assess Quick Writes (good lesson opener)
Would you be fortunate to eat earthworms? I (would/ would not) be fortunate to eat earthworms because ________________. What are the characteristics of a benevolent teacher? A benevolent teacher is ___________. When completing a writing task, make sure you take the time to orally discuss possible answers, unless this is an assessment. Oral practice before writing is very important for ELL’s.

16 Step 3- Practice and Assess Game- “Hotseat”
Academic Vocabulary Tier 1 Words Tier 2 Words Tier 4 Words English Language Development Standards Hotseat is a game that you can play with your students. It requires no prep work and the kids love it. It is you against them. One student sits in the “hotseat” with his back to the board. You write the word that he needs to guess on the board and the rest of the students give clues to get him to say the word. The student only gets one or two chances (depending on how hard you want to make it) to guess the word. If he gets it right, then the student gets the point. If he gets it wrong then you get the point. This is a great game to play over time because there are more words that the student needs to remember and it keeps those words in their active vocabulary and is less likely to be forgotten.

17 What did I learn today? The routine for teaching unknown vocabulary words is Step 1-__________ Step 2-__________ Step 3-__________ End of lesson- Revisit the objective. Did I learn what I was supposed to learn? If teachers are doing this in the classroom, they can write a response in a journal or they can share with a partner. It is a good way to see how well students understood the lesson.

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