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After World War II.

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1 After World War II

2 Quick write #1 What is capitalism? Give a definition and three words or phrases that come to mind. What do you think is good or bad about it? What is communism? Give a definition and three words or phrases that come to mind. What do you think is good or bad about it?

3 Types of government Communism Capitalism
Communism -- Classless, stateless society where production is commonly owned Capitalism -- Means of production are privately owned and operated for profit.

4 Yalta Conference Meeting with leaders of U.S., England, and Soviet Union. Poland Declarations of Liberated Europe Countries are free to choose their form of government Dividing Germany Soviet Union wanted to punish Germany U.S. and Great Britain wanted to rebuild it. Leaders – Roosevelt, Churchill, Stalin Poland – Stalin wanted a Communist government, U.S. and G.B. wanted a non-communist government – U.S. and GB gave in and allowed the Soviet backed gov’t to rule with the promise of free elections held as soon as possible. Germany – U.S. felt that economic success was the only way to increase world freedom. Wanted to rebuild Germany so that it could enter into world trading. Soviet Union wanted Germany to pay for invading them twice in 30 years and be sure they wouldn’t do it again – needed reparations from Germany, payments in the form of goods.

5 American Concerns American Concerns Soviet Concerns Economy!
Containment of Communism Soviet Concerns Security! Containment was upheld by threat of nuclear weapon. Security for Soviet Union and for Communism

6 Iron Curtain Divided Europe NATO and Warsaw Pact
NATO – North Atlantic Treaty Organization – a mutual defense alliance. West Germany – France, U.S. and Great Britain combined their territories in Germany to form W. Germany – not allowed to have a military, but other than that it was independent.

7 Cold War Spreads to Asia
In 1949 the communist government won in China The same year that China fell the Soviets announced they had successfully tested its first atomic weapon China and the Soviet Union had a treaty of friendship – made Americans nearvous about spread of Communism.

8 Korean War North Korea – communist, allied with China
South Korea – capitalists, allied with UN Truman fired MacArthur because MacArthur insisted that they use an atomic bomb.

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